Dagaz's Power!

There was a great vibration when Dagaz used his power. The entire nearby plain was destroyed instantly with a radius of approximately one kilometer away. Xavier and Tyler's shields, which he had made in several places, melt instantly.

"Do you feel it is a fast time!" Said Tyler, who looked at Xavier with a bit of panic.

"I feel it too! Already 8 of the shields we made have been destroyed in such a short time!" Xavier replied while continuing to feel the shield he had made with Tyler.

"Arggghhhh!!!!" Dagaz screamed loudly the moment he released his Overwhelming Power. His followers, as well as the Villain Wizards, shivered instantly when they saw the power released by Dagaz that great.

"Don't ever make fun of me!" He screamed again after the attack stopped; he stood up and walked slowly.

Then he spread his hands, and a bright light came out from his palms.