Army of Wonders [ Temple of Artemis ]

He had his reasons for choosing the Temple of Artemis.

It was a wonder that could produce troops and recruit generals simultaneously.

The short 24 hours of construction time stood out against the other wonders, which will take several days!

Moreover, the troops they produced were noble elf archers.

Although he didn't know the exact strength, for a new Lord, the long-range troops were definitely more useful than the close-combat troops.

After all, the most important thing in the early stages was to defend against the alien beast horde.

In terms of defense, the performance of long-range troops was often much better than that of close-combat troops.

After all, it was inevitable to have losses in close combat.

Alien beasts were good at close combat, and it wasn't wise to fight them in close combat.

It was much more suitable to choose a long-range attack unit.

This was also one of the reasons why Chen Feng chose this wonder.

Of course, the most important reason was still that... He was short of money.

The other wonders could produce more powerful troops... But he could not afford it at all!

As Chen Feng chose to build the Temple of Artemis, countless stones and wood started to rise from the ground.

After a day, they would go from basic materials to an eye-catching wonder.

This amount of resources could even be compared to a building that only an intermediate Lord could build.

However, it was all worth it.

Chen Feng's first military building, the Temple of Artemis, would be completed in 24 hours!


"Abnormal data detected!"

"The maximum value of the new Overlord ranking list data is abnormal!"

Ning City Military Command Center, data center.

A female officer with gold-rimmed glasses stared at the screen in disbelief.


"Is there a problem with the data?"

"How can there be 30,000 points on the resource ranking in one day? "

The subordinate beside him was sweating profusely.

He continued to operate the code on the screen, but the feedback proved that there was nothing wrong with the data.

"This, we're not sure."

"But we've already studied the data. There's no problem with the ranking."

"Be it the data or the technology; I can't detect anything wrong..."

The subordinate smiled bitterly.

"No problem?"

The female officer could not help but narrow her eyes.

"You mean ... Is the data real?"

30,000 points of resources?

How was that possible?


"What? Two more advanced Lords died in the main battle area?"

General Jiang smacked the table heavily in the command room, making a loud "bang."

"What are you guys doing?"

"Why did two advanced Lords suddenly die?"

"What? Was there an error in the combat strength data of the alien beasts? Are those people who are calculating the data useless?"

"What exactly is the reason? Hurry up and investigate!"

With that, General Jiang hung up the phone.

He massaged her temples in frustration.

Another two advanced Lords had died!

It was a huge loss!

They were not like those new lords destined to be eliminated yearly.

When one reached the level of an Advanced Lord, they would not be a small character.

To grow to this stage, many resources would have to be spent along the way.

Ning City had also invested a lot of effort in them.

The death of these two Advanced overlords meant that the two territories that could provide a large number of resources to Ning City each year had disappeared.

At the same time, they had also lost a large number of combat units.

How could he sit still?

Even his heart was bleeding!

Exhaling heavily, just as General Jiang was about to make a call, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The door opened, and a female officer walked in with a tablet.

Her voice was not calm.

"General, just a moment ago, abnormal data appeared on the ranking of newly promoted Lords."

"Abnormal data?"

Hearing this word, General Jiang was irritated.

Because of this abnormal data, Ning City lost two advanced overlords!

What was going on now?

"It's like this,"

The female officer also realized that the general was not in a good mood, so she spoke carefully.

"Just now, on the resource list of the new lords, there was an abnormality in the top place."

"There's a Lord who dominated the ranking with a high score of 30000 points..."


Even though General Jiang was feeling very frustrated at the moment, the words "30,000 points" did not escape his ears.

"30,000? How is that possible?"

"Uh ... Do you want to take a look for yourself?"

The female officer handed the tablet over.

He took the tablet and looked at the list of numbers.

General Jiang almost had the urge to rub his eyes to see if he was seeing things.

"The data is real?"

"It's real. We've investigated and found no problems with the data."

The female officer hesitated for a moment.

"Should we contact that Lord Chen Feng and ask him what's going on?"

"No need!"

General Jiang's originally gloomy expression relaxed a lot, and he waved his hand.

No one knew better than him how reliable the ranking data was.

His originally terrible mood was suddenly soothed at this time.

Leaning back in his chair, general Jiang picked up his teacup and slowly took a sip.

"30000 points... Tsk, tsk."

"Those few S-Class overlords have not even reached 300 points yet, right?"

"This Chen Feng, if I'm not wrong, is that F-class Overlord, Lord of wonders?"

The female military officer nodded.

"That's right. According to the information, he's a Lord of wonders that has never appeared before."

"If that's the case, then it's reasonable."

General Jiang smiled faintly.

"It seems like his class is wrong. It should be because of the missing data that he was given an F-class."

"Since that's the case, send the stipends we gave to the S-Class Lords to Chen Feng."

"He has the right."

The female officer was stunned.

Send him the stipends now?

Isn't this against the rules?

However, she forcefully swallowed her words when she saw General Jiang's face that exuded an air of authority.

The command center of Ning city was under General Jiang's command.

No one dared to object to his words.


The door closed, and only general Jiang was left in the large command room.

"Lord of wonders? Interesting."

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

"To be able to produce such an exaggerated number in just one day..."

"I think it should be talent in resources."

"As for its true class... It might even be an SS-class or even an SSS-class Overlord!"

"Could it be that there's finally hope for the rise of my Ning city?"

As for how Chen Feng managed to do all this, General Jiang did not care.

Historically, there has never been a lack of overlords with all kinds of talents that made people call them abnormal.

It could only be said that this time, the goddess of luck had descended upon Ning city!