The Assassin's Attack, the Overlord's Strengthening Potion

Not long after Chen Feng lay down.

A few masked men dressed in black suddenly appeared in the territory.

They moved quickly and professionally. They moved from the outer resource terrain to the inner area and soon reached the Sky Garden.

Looking at the magnificent garden in the sky, the few of them looked at each other in shock.

It was the first time they had seen such a huge building.

However, they did not forget their mission today.

They all climbed up to the top of the Sky Garden.

At this moment.

Suddenly, a few arrows came through the air.


One of the men in black didn't even have time to dodge before an arrow pierced through his body.


He spat out a mouthful of blood. He could no longer hold the stone brick in his hand and fell heavily to the ground.

His neck was crooked, and he died without even making a sound.

The others weren't any better.

Although the arrows shot at them were not as powerful as that one arrow, they were not to be taken lightly.

Several more people were hit by the arrows, but they were not seriously injured and did not fall.

On the other side, at the entrance of the Temple of Artemis.

The goddess Artemis was leading the elf archers to shoot.

The men in black clinging to the walls of the Sky Garden were like targets.

As the arrows continued to shoot out, they fell down one by one.

There were even some unlucky people who were nailed to the wall.

"Damn it!"

One of the men in black saw that the situation was bad and jumped down.

His companions were either injured or dead. He was the only one who was lucky because of his higher combat strength and managed to survive until now.

However, it was clear that if they continued to carry out the mission, the only outcome would be death in battle.

The man in black looked around and saw the archers in the distance. He then ran back unwillingly.

He was confident that if he was allowed to get close, he would be able to kill these weak archers.

He only needed a few moves to settle all of them!

However, they had underestimated the other party.

He was the only one left. It was too unrealistic to charge through from the front.

The mission had obviously failed, but the information must be brought back to the Overlord!

However, before he could take two steps, the man in black suddenly heard footsteps behind him.


He turned around in shock and saw a figure.

A long leg kicked over. He didn't even have time to react and was sent flying by this kick.

The impact he received was far beyond what he could bear, and the man in black fainted without a sound.


"So. you're saying..."

Chen Feng looked at the man in black who was tied up in front of him with a strange expression.

"You mean, our territory was just invaded?"

"That's right."

The goddess Artemis stood at the side with a serious expression.

"There were nine intruders in total, but we only caught one alive."

Chen Feng wisely didn't ask about the outcome of the remaining eight who weren't "alive."

Artemis' 2000 combat power points were no joke, and finding trouble with Chen Feng at this time...

He was really looking for death.

He had been unconscious for less than three hours after taking the medicine.

After he got up, he was drenched in sweat, but he did not feel any other discomfort.

However, he could clearly feel that his physique was much stronger than before, and he felt as light as a swallow when he walked.

In the past, his combat power was around 5 points, which was the value of an average person.

Now, he had at least 50 points, which was almost ten times more!

It could be said to be a qualitative change.

Although he could only barely compare to the elf archers under him, Chen Feng was already very satisfied.

At the very least, his ability to survive had increased a lot.

According to the information, the leader of the men in black only had a combat strength of 200 points.

As for the other ordinary men in black who had been killed, their combat strength was only 50 points, which was about the same as his.

If he were to encounter that kind of trash again, even if he were to face them head-on, he would not feel too much pressure.

At least he could run away, right?

"But who could have sent these guys?"

Looking at the unconscious man in black, Chen Feng had an answer in his heart.

He had become famous among the new lords because of his outstanding ranking on the resource board.

He would definitely be remembered.

However, they were all new lords, so they would see each other often.

They had only entered the foreign war zone for a few days, so there was no need to make a move, right?

There was only one person who could make Chen Feng think of a motive to make a move.

Sun Siyang!

However, if he wanted to be sure, he still had to pry open the mouth of this man in black.

A basin of water was splashed on his face. The man in black's eyes moved, but he still opened them.

When he saw the situation he was in, he smiled sadly.

"What's wrong? Why don't you just kill me?"

From his quick-witted expression, it was clear that he was a general and not an ordinary soldier.

It was no wonder that he was the only one with a combat power of 200 points who survived.

"..If you tell me who sent you here, I can let you go."

"If you think that you will be punished if you go back, then I can temporarily take you in here."

"In the future, if there are many general recruitment orders, it is not impossible to recruit you as my general."

Chen Feng promised.

It wasn't an empty promise, he really thought so.

These prices were not much for him.

However, as long as there was evidence, it would not be difficult to convict Sun Siyang through the command center.

For invading the territories of other Lords and attempting to assassinate them.

Just this crime alone was enough to make Sun Siyang suffer.

It was not easy to find someone in the command center. They had started fighting among themselves before the first wave of the beast horde had arrived.

The man in black was silent.

He was also tempted.

As a Lord, there was no need for Chen Feng to lie to a small general like him.


The hope of being born appeared in his mind. He opened his mouth and was about to say a name.

His face suddenly darkened.

Endless black lines spread out from the space between his eyebrows, easily blocking the words in his throat.

In just an instant, his entire face was covered in black lines. His body also twitched, and he only let out a vague syllable from his throat before he froze.

"This is..."

Chen Feng's eyelids twitched.

He reached out and checked his nose.

As expected, the man in black had already stopped breathing.

"Is it the restrictions his Lord gave him…"

Chen Feng frowned.

Although the Lord had 100% control over the recruitment of generals.

However, very few people would use such a sinister method.

Furthermore, a new Lord wouldn't be able to do something like this, right?

This Sun Siyang ...

Or rather, the Lord of these men in black.

There must be something more behind this.

It seemed that he really needed to be careful.
