Beautiful General Medusa, Young Alien Beast Emperor_1

"You are my Lord?"

Medusa's voice was slightly hoarse as she looked at Chen Feng.

She was not as beautiful as the goddess Artemis, but her every frown and smile was very moving.

In ancient Greece mythology, the snake-haired demoness Medusa and the hunter goddess, Artemis, were both famous for their beautiful appearances.

It seemed that it was true.

The goddess Artemis was better. She had an upright personality and usually did not smile. Although she was beautiful, she did not make people feel too "tempted".

But the snake-haired demoness Medusa was different.

She was dressed very little, and a large area of her skin was exposed. Her waist was quite moving, and it seemed as if she was deliberately coquettish.

In addition to that, his facial features were filled with exotic charm.

If it wasn't for her hair, any man would be tempted!

Chen Feng didn't know that while he was taken aback, Medusa was also slightly surprised.

After being summoned to this world, she naturally understood many of the rules of this world.

However, she did not expect her Lord to be able to look at her without being injured!

According to the rules of the Lord and territory.

All the generals and soldiers were unable to harm the Lord.

Whether it was intentional or not, it was the same.

Even if a General's loyalty dropped to 0, they still had no choice but to obey the Lord's orders.

But it was easy to be passive and there was a chance of escaping the territory.

Medusa's eyes were said to be able to petrify all creatures that looked at her.

Unfortunately, this pair of eyes did not work on Chen Feng.

"I am your Lord, Chen Feng."

"Call me Lord, or my name. Both are fine,"

Chen Feng introduced himself.

He was experienced now. These generals were all living people, or rather, lives.

If he treated them well, it would be easier to increase their loyalty. There were only benefits and no disadvantages.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Medusa licked with her snake tongue and asked with a smile.

"May I ask where my room is?"

"Follow me."

Chen Feng brought Medusa to the Sky Garden.

"You can choose any of the palaces here that you like to live in."

"If you think it's too small, I'll build other palaces in the future, and you can see if you like them."


Medusa looked around and was shocked.

"This is a Palace for the gods to live in, right?"

"Is it really okay if I live in such a place...?"

The aura she gave off previously was very strong.

However, when she arrived at the Sky garden, she seemed to have changed into a different person.

Chen Feng laughed to himself.

The Medusa he had recruited should be the snake-haired banshee version of ancient Greece mythology.

Living in a swamp, not to mention a palace.

She had probably never seen a slightly larger building before.

She was completely different from those gods who loved extravagance.

It was normal for her to be shocked by the Sky garden.

"It's okay."

Chen Feng said indifferently,

"I'm the only one living here now."

"You can find any room you like and live in it."

Medusa's face revealed heartfelt gratitude.

"My Lord, you are too generous!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a notification sounded.

[ The snake-haired demoness Medusa has been won over by your generosity, loyalty +3! ]

"Loyalty is so easy to come by?"

Chen Feng was dumbfounded.

It seemed that this Medusa looked very "flirtatious and cheap."

Compared to that chaste goddess Artemis, she was even easier to conquer?

After choosing a room for Medusa, Chen Feng took her around the territory.

However, after arriving at the Temple of Artemis, Medusa was not willing to go in no matter what.

Looking at the majestic temple, there was a trace of fear in her eyes.

This was the suppression of bloodline. Although they were both descendants of gods, her status was much lower than Artemis, one of the twelve main gods.

Even if she had the advantage in terms of seniority, ancient Greece mythology didn't look at seniority.

After coming to the temple, she was not willing to enter.

In the end, it was Chen Feng who called the goddess Artemis out.

Looking at Medusa, who had ugly snake hair, the goddess Artemis did not show any disdain.


"Since we're all his lordship's generals, then we'll get along well in the future."

The goddess Artemis' tone was very calm.

Medusa also seemed to be influenced and she was more at ease.

"Alright ... Alright."

But she still couldn't help but stutter.


Ning City, command center.

The man-made incident of the protective shield shattering had caused the entire command center to be filled with seriouesness.

No one was willing to bear general Jiang's wrath again.

However, another piece of bad news came.

The alien beast emperor that had been under the command center's surveillance had given birth to a new baby outside the protective shield!

Alien beasts grew extremely fast.

It was the same even for the baby alien beast emperor.

This also meant that in the future, there might be two beast emperors in the new foreign war zone that Ning city had opened up!

This was something that general Jiang could not tolerate no matter what.

Just one of them was enough to kill more than half of the newly-promoted Lords after three waves of alien beast tides.

This was the average data for previous years.


How could the Lords live?

How could he live?

However, what made him even more uncomfortable was ...

In this matter, the command center was almost powerless.

The command center seemed to have the power to command the Lords and many other things.

But in reality, it was extremely difficult for them to interfere in a direct battle with the foreign war zone.

At most, they could only send a limited number of combat units into the foreign war zone.

For example, after the protective shield was damaged last night, they sent a few people in to clear out the alien beasts and capture the criminals. This was acceptable.

But if he wanted to do more ...

That would be impossible.

The biggest problem with the people they sent over was that they could not leave the territory of the Lords.

Otherwise, a mere Emperor beast and a young one wouldn't be a threat at all.

But now, everything still depended on the Lords themselves.

However, to expect these overlords, who had only grown for a few days, to be able to destroy an Emperor beast with a combat power of over 100000?

How was that possible?

Even a young alien beast Emperor's combat power was at least a few thousand, and it was normal for it to exceed ten thousand.

It was impossible for the new lords to deal with them.

"Let's decide for now."

General Jiang rubbed his temples in frustration.

Now that things had come to this, there was no good way.

The methods that could be thought of were either very limited.

Or, the price was too great, and it was impossible to use it.

Or, even if he used it, there was a high probability that it would be useless.

The only thing they could do was to wait and see.

"Oh, that's right."

General Jiang suddenly thought of something and ordered, "In that case, let's increase the reward for the weekly leaderboard."

Help our Lords as much as possible and see if they have any ideas.

This was the only way.

The quality of the overlords this year was not bad.

If he gave them more rewards, maybe a few more capable people would emerge?

He didn't expect it to be of much use, but it would be good if it could delay the alien beasts' attacks.

"But general ..."

The Adjutant's face showed a difficult expression.

"Right now, the number one of the three boards is the same person."

If the rewards are increased again, will the distribution of resources be uneven...

"The first place of all three boards is the same person?"

General Jiang could not help but widen his eyes.

He had never encountered such a thing ever since he became the general of Ning city!