First Wave of the Alien Beast Horde, Attack!

The atmosphere was getting tenser by the day.

Finally, the beast horde arrived.


"Warning, warning!"

"The protective shield will be shut down in ten minutes. All Lords, please be prepared!"

"Warning, warning!"

"The protective shield will be shut down in ten minutes. All Lords, please be prepared!"

In the midst of the heart-wrenching alarms.

It was getting closer and closer to the time when the protective shield would disappear.

It was hard to say what the other Lords were feeling.

Chen Feng stood at the top of the palace in the garden.

Medusa and the goddess Artemis were by his side.

This was the highest point of his territory. Naturally, he would be the first to notice when an alien beast appeared.

It seems like it's still inconvenient without a scouting-type building.

Chen Feng had an idea. He would wait until he had more resources.

He had to think of a way to build a wonder with detection ability.

This way, he would have some intelligence when facing alien beasts in the future, and would no longer be so passive.

Opening the chat channel to take a look, at this moment, all the Lords were panicking.

Many people chose to send messages inside to vent their nervousness.

"Damn it! My defensive structure still needs half a day to be completed. What should I do?"

"You're more miserable than me? I only have less than 500 combat strength now… Can we really survive the first wave of the alien beast horde?"

"Let's leave it to fate. If it really doesn't work out, there's still a pension. I'm just afraid that my mother will be too sad…"

At this time, most of the people who spoke were E-Class and F-Class Lords.

The Lords of higher levels had all received the rewards from the weekly leaderboard, so they were more or less confident in dealing with the alien beast horde this time.

However, no one dared to say that they would definitely be safe.

However, it was a different story for those E and F classes.

Many of them would definitely die!

All of them were really panicking.

The others also didn't dare to say that they were sitting on the fence.

The command center had said that the beast horde this time might be the strongest in history.

It wouldn't be strange if something unexpected happened.

After all, in history, even S-Class people have failed…

However, there was an exception in everyone's heart.

That person was Chen Feng.

At this moment, he was still firmly at the top of the combat strength list.

As high as 13500 points of combat strength, the 3000 points in second place were not even a fraction of it.

"Tens of thousands of combat strength! God Feng will definitely be able to get through this beast horde easily with a good night's sleep!"

"Sigh, if only my territory was next to Big Boss Chen Feng's. He should be able to share a large portion of the pressure."

"Maybe he can come and save me!"

Chen Feng nodded his head as he watched.

The command center also encouraged the Lords to help each other.

If he had the energy to spare, he could save the other Lords around him. It would be of some help to his own survival.

Soon, as the alarm went off, the countdown reached zero.

The protective shield was finally shut down.

He watched as the blue sky above him gradually disappeared.

The Lords were truly panicking.

Chen Feng's emotions were also slightly stirred. He stood up straight and looked outside.

Last time, when the protective shield was damaged, the alien beast horde had come from there.

This time, it would not be a surprise.

Chen Feng was mentally prepared.

His territory was originally located at the outermost region.

The attacks from the alien beast horde were definitely the fiercest.


On the silent wasteland, a rather mournful howl suddenly sounded.

Along with this howl, dust began to appear on the horizon in the distance.

"They're here!"

Chen Feng's heart couldn't help but race.

It wasn't like the alien beasts that had sneaked in last time.

What they were facing this time was a true alien beast horde!

It could only be said that the name 'alien beast horde' was really just right.

These alien beasts were really like a tide, charging over in an endless stream.

"Something's wrong!"

Chen Feng sized up the scale of the alien beast horde, and his expression suddenly changed.

"There seems to be something wrong with this alien beast horde?"

Not just him.

At this moment, almost all the Lords in Chen Feng's direction had noticed that something was wrong.

Although the number of alien beast hordes at the other defense lines was not small…

However, it wasn't so many that it exceeded everyone's expectations.

According to the headquarters' calculations, the first wave of alien beasts would only have around 20 of them in each territory.

To the Lords who had troops and defensive structures.

Dealing with them, even if they were E or F class, would not be too much pressure.

However, it happened to be at the position where Chen Feng was in charge of.

The alien beast horde there wasn't even worthy of being called an alien beast horde.

It would be more appropriate to call it a sea of alien beasts!

The endless waves of alien beasts formed a violent storm as they charged towards Chen Feng's territory.

It was as if there was a treasure that they were extremely eager to find.

"Damn it!"

Chen Feng's expression changed again.

He finally saw it clearly.

The others' line of defense was still normal.

However, the number of alien beasts in his line of defense was so great that he couldn't see the end of it.

There were at least two to three thousand of them.

His numbers were even more than a hundred times that of the other Lords!

Not only that.

When the alien beasts at the forefront gradually drew closer, Chen Feng could also see their appearance clearly.

The ones leading them were actually all the elites of the low-tier alien beasts-leopard-type alien beasts!

An individual combat strength of at least 80 points made most of the new lords have a change of expressions.

"I seem to have become the main target of this alien beast horde."


"Is it because my meat is more delicious?"

Chen Feng laughed at himself.

He had a vague answer in his heart.

He was afraid that it had something to do with the development of his territory that far exceeded others.

It was said that there was a chance of commanders being born in a beast horde.

These commanders would prioritize controlling the alien beasts and destroy the territories of the overlords with more potential.

This was also the reason why S-Class overlords would sometimes die in the first wave of the beast horde in the past!

From the looks of it, the alien beast sect commander was probably targeting him this time.


"It's just 3000 alien beasts, what's there to fear?"

Chen Feng didn't feel any fear.

If this number was any other Lord, they would be killed.

They would probably all die and be wiped out in a few minutes.

But he wasn't afraid.

Last time, he had blocked the attacks of thousands of alien beasts.

This time, the number was only a few times more.

His combat strength was also different from the past.

What was there to fear?

In Chen Feng's eyes, these alien beasts were nothing.

They were glory points that were willing to come to him!

Was he afraid that he would fall from the top of the glory ranking?