Smart Qian Duoduo

When these Lords saw the goddess Artemis, their eyes were filled with greed.

On one hand, they were amazed by her beauty.

On the other hand, they were amazed by her combat strength.

Whenever the generals of other Lords came to their territories, they could see their combat power.

Goddess Artemis' combat power was 4000 points. At this point in time, she could easily defeat any Lord.

Most of these Lords did not even have a general with 400 combat power.

Beautiful generals were not rare. After all, the generals summoned were mostly legendary figures from history or parallel worlds.

There were many people with outstanding looks.

However, this was the first time they had seen someone with such terrifying combat power in the early stages.

After Chen Feng left, one of the Lords mumbled,

"I finally know why Chen Feng was able to reach the top of the combat power ranking…"

"Just one general already has 4000 combat power points. If a few more of them join him, he'll easily reach 10000 combat power…


They walked to the last territory, and just as Chen Feng and all his neighbors were safe…

After staying in this territory for a while, half a day had passed, and no one had come.

"Could it be…"

Chen Feng's expression changed.

A Lord died here?

This was not a rare occurrence. Every time a beast tide came, many Lords would die.

Especially those of F and E classes.

If a Lord of this level did not develop his territory well, it was basically impossible for him to withstand three waves of beast tides.

This was something that could not be helped.

The lords of these two lowest grades were simply too weak.

According to what Chen Feng knew, there seemed to be an E-Class Overlord in this territory.

E-Class is slightly better than F-Class.

However, it would also be mentioned at the same time as F-Class.

He just knew that the strength of an E-Class was not that great.

It seemed that this person was the one who couldn't make it.

However, he couldn't be completely sure that the Lord was really dead.

It was also possible that he had been delayed by other matters.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, but he still brought the goddess Artemis into the territory.

Sure enough, soon after they arrived, they saw footsteps that seemed to be left behind by alien beasts.

It seemed that there were indeed alien beasts here, and they had already invaded the territory.

Chen Feng quickly ran forward with Artemis.

The territory of a low-level Lord wasn't big, so it didn't take long for him to reach the center.

There were indeed alien beasts here, but surprisingly, the territory had not been completely conquered!

In the center of the territory, dozens of alien beasts were surrounding a fortress.

They continued to howl, and the corpses of several soldiers and generals were scattered around them.

However, from the reactions of these beasts, it was clear that the most important person in this territory had not died.

The Lord of this place was still hiding in the fortress!

It was a fortress made of stone.

The fortress was not big, only slightly bigger than an ordinary truck, but it was made of thick materials.

From the outside, only a few tiny air holes could be seen.

This also led to the alien beasts being completely helpless against the person in the fortress.

No matter how sharp their teeth were, it was basically impossible to kill the Lord inside in a short time.

It was possible to break in by grinding the stones away bit by bit.

However, that would undoubtedly take a lot of time.

In fact, that was what the alien beasts were doing now.

The brains of ordinary alien beasts were only at the level of ordinary wild beasts.

They couldn't think of any other way, so they could only do this.

Now, the outer wall of the fortress in front of them had a one-meter-deep passage visible to the naked eye.

If this continued, the Overlord would definitely die in a few hours.

Unfortunately for them, Chen Feng came at this time.

There were only a few dozen alien beasts with only a few dozen combat strength points.

The goddess Artemis did not even take out the bow on her back.

With a dagger in hand, she slowly walked up and easily ended the battle in less than a minute.

There was not even a drop of blood on her body.

The ground was littered with the corpses of alien beasts.

"The alien beasts outside have been dealt with. You can come out now!"

As he shouted, the Overlord inside teleported out.

"Phew… Brother, thank you so much!"

"You're my Savior!"

"You have no idea how scared my little heart was when I saw them scratching the wall!"

The Lord was a short fatty.

He looked like a chatterbox as he grabbed Chen Feng and thanked him continuously.

After a while, he remembered that he didn't even know Chen Feng's name.

"Look at me… I'm sorry, I'm Qian Duoduo. What's your name, brother? I must thank you properly!"

Chen Feng could feel Qian Duoduo's sincerity.

"I'm Chen Feng, the Lord next door to you."

"By the way, How did you come up with the idea of building this fortress? aren't you just waiting for death if you stay in there…"

The little fatty Qian Duoduo's eyes lit up.

"So you're God Chen Feng?"

In response to Chen Feng's question, the little fatty chuckled with a smug expression.

"It's like this I've awakened as an E-Class construction Overlord."

"I don't have any special talent, but I can change the shape of a building at will."

"And then I thought of this method."

"Didn't they say the alien beast horde would be stronger this year? It's the last few days, and my forces don't even have over a thousand combat power. I don't think it's possible to defend against the alien beasts."

"So I thought of an idea."

"Build a fortress with an extremely thick outer wall and no entrance."

"Then, I'll use my Overlord's ability to teleport and hide inside."

"Although I can't do anything to those alien beasts, they can't do anything to me either, hehe!"

Chen Feng gave him a thumbs up.

"A talent!"

He could only be said to be a talent.

This method was simply not something that ordinary people could think of!

"But if you do this, even though the beasts can't do anything to you…"

"But aren't you also helpless against the alien beasts?"

"It's not a long-term plan."

"We'll have to rely on you, God Feng!"

Qian Duoduo put on a flattering smile.

"Normally, the first wave of alien beast hordes won't last long."

"On average, it'll take around 20 minutes, half an hour at most, before the monster horde ends."

"Usually, this time would be enough for the other overlords to deal with the alien beasts."

"After that, there will definitely be overlords who will start to clear out the alien beasts in the surrounding territories."

"Also, I've contacted a few friends in the chat channel, and they all said that they would come and help me."

"It's just that I haven't seen them yet…"