[ Building upgrade blueprint ]

The [ Building upgrade blueprint ] might be a good idea for others.

However, for Chen Feng, it wasn't very good.

It was because he was too strong!

One had to know that the other people had built buildings with their own unique characteristics.

But he was different.

He was building a wonder!

Any one of the wonders in the territory, if pulled to another territory, would be enough to destroy any building of the same type and level.

Chen Feng dared to guarantee this.

The reason why he, the Lord of wonders, was so perverted up until now was the super strong effect of each wonder.

And being able to upgrade a wonder would undoubtedly bring him even greater benefits!

More importantly, Chen Feng was also curious about the effects of upgrading wonder.

Chen Feng didn't hesitate and didn't bother to compare the goods anymore.

He directly agreed to general Jiang's conditions.

Not to mention, just these two [ Building upgrade blueprints ] had already exceeded any conditions that others had given.

This thing could be said to be extraordinarily rare.

Normally speaking, it was not something that a low-level Lord could get his hands on.

It could be said that the reason he was able to obtain it at this time was due to the recruitment of other forces which had given general Jiang a sense of crisis.

Chen Feng had picked up a bargain.

More importantly, he was much more important to Chen Feng.



On the other side, in the command room.

General Jiang looked at the message on the screen and laughed.

The Adjutant rarely saw general Jiang so happy, so he quickly refilled his cup.

"General, you seem to be in a good mood today."

"Of course,"

General Jiang was overjoyed and had a smug expression.

"Those old fogeys are still trying to snatch the Overlord from me?"

"Are you kidding me? Even if they can come up with any conditions, how can they be better than mine?"

"I know better than anyone. What does Chen Feng want the most at this moment?"

"Lord of wonders, isn't the wonder just a building?"

"A building upgrade blueprint? How could he refuse?"

"Chen Feng... Did he agree?"

"Congratulations, General!"

The Adjutant's eyes flashed with joy.

They might be high-ranking military officers and Chen Feng seemed to be just a small new Lord, and he wasn't worthy of their happiness.

However, this was not the case.

Those ordinary new lords, even if they were B, A, or even S class, were not enough to make them happy.

However, Chen Feng's case was different.

This person might be SS-Class or even SSS-class!

Ever since he had entered the foreign war zone, Chen Feng's performance in the past ten days could be said to have instantly defeated all the other new lords.

Not just this batch. All the new lords in the previous batches didn't perform as well as he did.

His potential was extremely huge.

As long as he didn't die halfway, he had a high chance of becoming the strongest Lord in the history of Ning City.

It was not entirely impossible for him to lead Ning City to prosperity.

This level of potential was enough for the leaders of the so-called "major forces" to treat him with caution.


The day's recruitment was finally over.

As the passageway closed.

Chen Feng, who had been harassed until he couldn't stand it, finally had some peace and quiet.

At the end of the day.

Not to mention the leaders of the forces.

Many other Lords came to harass him as well.

For example, Lin Yao and Zhou Xu had also become lobbyists at this time.

It wasn't that they had any intentions, but they had no choice because of the missions given by their families.

They didn't force Chen Feng to do anything but merely said a few words to help their families.

However, it would be fine if there were only one or two of them, but there were dozens of them.

Chen Feng didn't do anything today.

He actually didn't have much to do.

There were not many matters in the territory at the moment, and everything was basically automated.

The only thing he had to do was to train the elf archers.

Today, the elf archers finally reached the maximum number of 100.

However, there was still a difference in their levels. After some training, the gap should be narrowed.

However, all of this was Artemis' work, and Chen Feng actually didn't do anything.

He could only reply to a message...

In any case, the passageway was closed now. Even those who were unwilling to give up had no choice but to give up now.

Chen Feng could finally settle down and do his own thing.

First of all, the reward for the beast tide's top scorer, as well as the benefits general Jiang had promised, had been sent over through the passageway.

The two [ Building upgrade blueprints ] looked similar to the [ Regional building blueprint ].

In addition, there were two [ High-level General recruitment orders ].

Chen Feng had originally planned to use the [Building upgrade blueprint] directly.

However, he was disappointed to find out that this item could only be used by intermediate Lords.

He had been tricked!

Of course, it didn't really matter.

Chen Feng calculated how far he was from becoming an intermediate Lord.

Actually, it wasn't that far.

It wasn't really a trick that general Jiang had given him these two blueprints.

The requirements to advance to intermediate Lord weren't difficult.

First of all, their combat power had to be over 20000 points.

Chen Feng was still lacking a few thousand, but he wasn't worried.

The Roman Colosseum would be completed in two days.

When that's done, he could recruit new troops and their overall combat power would probably increase again.

In addition, there were two [ High-level General recruitment orders ].

Breaking through to 20000 points could be said to be a piece of cake.

Other than that, he needed 3000 glory points.

Chen Feng had already satisfied this criterion.

He had almost 5000 points on the glory ranking.

It was more than enough.

The remaining conditions were relatively simple.

The territory must have more than 50 residents, there must be more than 3 buildings... Chen Feng glanced through and found that he had satisfied all of them.

In the end, he realized that he was only lacking in combat power.

However, it would only be two days.

After two days, he would be able to fulfill the requirements to become an intermediate Lord.

Chen Feng was overjoyed.

Then, he calculated the time he had spent on the foreign war zone.

It was only 12 days!

He couldn't help but click his tongue.

He seemed to remember that the record in Ning city for one to advance to intermediate lord was two months?

Wasn't he a little too amazing?

It was no wonder these forces were so desperate to rope him in.

However, Chen Feng had no other choice.

He really couldn't keep a low profile.

It seemed to have started since that unlucky Sun Siyang let the alien beasts in.

There was something wrong with his territory.

This time, he suffered the attack of such a terrifying number of alien beasts.

Who knew what would happen in the future?

He didn't dare to slow down his growth.

Otherwise, the territory would have been razed to the ground by the alien beasts during the alien beast horde yesterday.