I Can Advance to Intermediate Lord?

 "That monster Chen Feng, how did his ranking rise by a few thousand again?"

 "It's even broken through 20000!"

 "My God, the gap between him and us seems to be getting bigger and bigger?"

 In the chat channel, some people had already noticed Chen Feng's rapid increase in combat power.

 It was hard not to notice that it had increased by a few thousand points in one go.

 They were even starting to feel numb.

 In just a dozen days, Chen Feng's territory had developed to a point where they didn't even have the desire to try to keep up.

 Other than a few S-Class members who were still unconvinced, there were not many people who wanted to compete with Chen Feng.

 There was no other reason. This guy was too terrifying!

It didn't look like they could catch up at all no matter what.

"That's not right. Doesn't that mean Chen Feng's combat power has broken through 20000?"

"I remember that he is even more ridiculous on the resource ranking. He must be at least a few hundred thousand?"

"Doesn't that mean he can become an intermediate Lord?"

Someone sharply noticed this.

An intermediate Lord!

What does it mean?

In the history of Ning City, the fastest overlord that advance to intermediate Lord took a few months after entering the foreign war zone.

 And now, it had only been a short ten days since they entered the foreign warz one.

 He could actually advance to intermediate Lord now?

 A monster!

 Once again, Chen Feng's screen was flooded with countless messages.

 He took out the Lord's badge and looked at it, then put it down helplessly.

 Alright, now it seemed that he could not keep a low profile at all.

 Originally, he had wanted to secretly advance to intermediate Lord.

 Now that he had been discovered, he had no need to hide.

 Chen Feng immediately decided to advance.

 He opened the interface and looked at the promotion requirements. There were no loopholes.


 As soon as he finished speaking, a panel popped up in front of him.

 It's actually a promotion mission?

 [Promotion mission: Please kill the target unit within 24 hours. After killing it, you will be promoted successfully.]

[If the mission is not completed, the promotion will fail. The promotion cooldown is 240 hours.]


 This was Chen Feng's first time learning that Lord-tier advancement required completing missions.

 He looked at the location on the panel.

 It was actually outside the territory, in an unknown area of the wasteland.

 "This is a little troublesome."

 He could not help but frown.

He only had 24 hours which was a day.

 If the mission was not completed within a day, he would have to wait for another ten days for the promotion.

 Chen Feng roughly knew the benefits of advancing to intermediate Lord. He was not willing to wait another 10 days.

 "It seems like we can only go all out."

 After some thought, Chen Feng called all the generals in the territory over.

 Now that the protective shield was gone, it was hard to guarantee the territory's safety.

 It was impossible for them to attack in full force.

 However, the intermediate Lord promotion mission was not easy.

 If they weren't careful, failing the mission might just be a small matter.

 But it would be bad if any of his generals were injured.

 Therefore, Chen Feng sent out a considerable amount of combat power.

  "Medusa, you three sisters, 10 Spartan warriors, and 50 elf archers."

 "Get out of the territory and kill this guy!"


 It didn't take long for the three sisters to set off after making their preparations.

 Chen Feng had given it a lot of thought before sending them.

 The goddess Artemis was a long-range general with defensive abilities.

 She was actually not suited to go out to battle.

 As for the three Medusa sisters, they were all generals with strong close combat abilities.

 The combined combat power of the three sisters was around eight to nine thousand.

 In addition, there were 50 elf archers in the small army that he had sent out.

 Regardless of distance, they had a certain level of protection.

 The total combat power of the entire army was twelve to thirteen thousand.

 It should be more than enough to complete this mission.

 Furthermore, the two newly recruited generals could also gain some experience.

 The earlier they reached silver level, the stronger they would be, and the overall combat strength of the territory would increase by a lot.

 They watched as the small army left the territory and headed toward the wasteland.

 Chen Feng didn't go personally.

 As a Lord, there was no need to leave his territory.

 It was just a mission to kill a target, and the location was not far from his territory.

 Even if there were alien beasts along the way, it wouldn't be that dangerous.

 If the three Medusa sisters could not even solve this problem, then it would be a waste of their combat strength.


 They didn't disappoint Chen Feng.

 Two hours later.

 Chen Feng suddenly received a [ mission completed ] notification.

 At the same time, he had also advanced to intermediate Lord.

 The periphery of the territory suddenly started to shake.

 With the continuous rumbling, the land outside the territory began to roll.

 Chen Feng's original territory had 100 grids.

 However, with his advancement, the territory's periphery had expanded by two more circles.

 The territory directly doubled to 200 grids!

 There were many benefits to this kind of territory expansion.

 In addition to having more buildings and land, the periphery of the territory could also be used as a buffer against monsters.

 However, this wasn't the most important thing for Chen Feng.

 He didn't use much of the land for buildings yet, so even if the territory doubled, it would not be of much use.

 Moreover, as the area of the plot of land doubled, the area that needed to be defended also increased.

 What he cared about was how he should defend the expanded area of defense after advancing to intermediate Lord.

 The Lord's badge suddenly rang.

 Chen Feng picked it up and saw that it was a notification from the headquarters.

 [Congratulations Lord Chen Feng for breaking the Ning City record and becoming the first intermediate Lord!]


 You've even sent out a notice?

 I don't see you giving out any rewards.

 Chen Feng was helpless. He didn't even need to look at the group chat to know what it was like inside.

 There would be a bunch of people flattering him, and there might even be people ridiculing him, or there were a few people who didn't like him mixed in.

 However, he didn't care about this.

 After advancing to intermediate Lord, this meant that he could use the two [ Building upgrade blueprints ]!

 This was the most important thing for Chen Feng right now!

 When general Jiang gave him the two blueprints, he probably did not expect that Chen Feng would have the right to use them in just a few days ...

 The [ Building upgrade blueprint ] could directly upgrade a territory building that had already been built.

 All the territory buildings defaulted basic.

 Some territory buildings could be upgraded to the intermediate level through the building upgrade blueprint.

 It was the same for his wonder.

 The [ Building upgrade blueprint ] was also effective on wonder.

 Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and chose to level up the Terracotta Warriors first.

 To be able to withstand the attacks of these alien beasts, he felt that the Terracotta Warriors were the ones who made the most contribution to his territory.

 If not for the Terracotta Warriors, his bones might have already started to turn into dust.

 Now that he had expanded his territory, he could upgrade his terracotta soldiers.

 He would have more confidence in the next alien beast horde!