Emergency Assembly? A Guess

 The Overlord badge vibrated.

 Chen Feng, who was working out in the training room, couldn't help but stop.

 The results of the training these few days were quite extraordinary.

 His combat strength had increased from 50 to 60.

 The increase was not small.

 However, he could also feel that if he wanted to continue improving, the speed would be much slower than before.

 This was the limit of potential.

 Every Lord and general had hidden potential in addition to their combat strength on the surface.

 After a certain amount of battle or training, one's potential could be transformed into combat strength.

 Chen Feng was an ordinary person.

 After consuming the Lord's strengthening potion, his combat power had increased to 50 points.

 His potential had also increased a lot.

 However, compared to the generals under him, he could not even catch up.

 Medusa's combat strength had increased the fastest during these days of training.

 After she was promoted to silver rank, her combat power soared to 4500 points.

 After Chen Feng had given her the necklace, her combat power had increased to 5300 points.

 She could be called the number one general under Chen Feng.

 After a few days of training, her combat strength had increased by an additional 300 points!

 With a total combat power of 5600 points, it was no exaggeration to say that Medusa alone could easily annihilate most of the Lords' entire Army!

 The others also had a 100-200 point increase in combat strength.

 One could only say that this Colosseum was truly heaven-defying.

 Normal Lords could only think of potions and equipment to increase the combat power of their generals.

 Unlike here, where he could directly improve through training?

 He opened the vibrating Lord badge and saw a message from the command center.

 [Urgent!] [ All top 50 Lords, please be prepared and check your Lord badge! ]

 There was another message at the side.

 Chen Feng opened it and saw that it was a mission.

 [Mission: Personally lead the Army and meet up with the other top 50 overlords' armies at the designated location.]

 At the same time, a set of coordinates appeared on Chen Feng's map.

 Not far away, just outside the territories of the Lords.

 It seemed like it was really as the mission had said, they were supposed to meet up first.

 "What's this for?"

 Chen Feng couldn't help but frown.

 This kind of mission should be considered a compulsory mission.

 It was something that the Lords had to accept.

 As for letting the top 50 Lords in the combat power ranking lead their troops... It was obvious that the command center was planning to gather a force.

 As for what they were going to do... it didn't state anything at all.

 Could it be...

 After thinking for a while, Chen Feng gave up on his wild guesses.

 He immediately made a phone call.

 After a while, the call was picked up.

 "Hello, are you general Jiang?"

 "Chen Feng, what's the matter? You also received a mission? "

 "Yes, but I'm a little confused. What does this mission want us to do?"

 "Right now, the battle power of the Lords is still not satisfactory. If they gather the army, could it be that they are planning to…" 

"That's right. The command center is planning to carry out a military operation." 

 "Since it's you, I can tell you some things."

"This operation is very dangerous. The target is definitely related to the Emperor beast."

 "However, you'll only know the details later."


 After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng fell into deep thought.

 "Emperor beast?"

 There was no Lord who didn't know of this term.

 The king of the beasts, the monster that controlled the beasts from behind.

 It could be said that the so-called alien beast horde was actually started by the Emperor beast.

 Otherwise, the alien beasts in the wild were basically a pile of loose sand. One or two big and small cats wouldn't be able to cause any waves.

 It wouldn't be like now, where countless overlords died in the alien beast horde.

 Chen Feng still remembered the information he had obtained from Sun Siyang.

 It was related to the Emperor beast.

 He had always guessed it, but didn't expect it to be true.

 Out of all the Lords, there were not many who had the power to call general Jiang directly like him.

 However, this was also a special privilege he had obtained after being roped in by general Jiang.

 General Jiang really did not display much of the so-called arrogance of a true talent.

 General Jiang, who appeared to be very serious and stern from the outside, was actually very kind to Chen Feng.

 He was just like a grandfather.

 Chen Feng knew in his heart that this was because of his value.

 He had displayed a value that far exceeded that of a Lord, which was why general Jiang treated him so well.

 Otherwise, in front of general Jiang, he would be no different from the other Lords.

 Even if he was an S-Class Overlord, the other party would not care.

 According to the information he had obtained, the sudden gathering of the Lords' armies was most likely related to the Emperor beast.

 However, Chen Feng wasn't too worried.

 The people in the command center probably hoped that they would not suffer any losses even more than the Lords themselves.

There should be no such thing as the so-called conspiracy or whatever.

 The only possibility was that this time, they really needed the Lords to take action.

 It seemed that the situation was not optimistic.

 Thinking of this, Chen Feng started to gather his troops.

 Over the past few days, he had already summoned 50 Spartan warriors.

 Chen Feng decided to bring all of them in one go.

 In addition, there were 50 elf archers, forming an army of 100.

 The rest of the elf archers had to stay behind to defend the territory.

 Apart from that, Chen Feng considered for a moment and decided to send his two strongest generals.

 The goddesses Artemis and Medusa were brought along.

 Their combat strength had increased.

 Now, the total combat power of the two of them could almost break 10000 points.

 With them by his side, Chen Feng felt that his safety should be guaranteed.

 The troops that were produced by the territory had the qualities of a military advisor.

 After the number of people was determined, the army brought enough supplies and set off in just a few minutes.

 Chen Feng walked in front of the army, sighing that he was still too poor.

 Everyone was walking, they didn't even have a horse!

 When he opened the Lord badge, the chat channel was already in an uproar.

 Whether they were willing or not, the Lords in the top 50 of the combat power ranking did not dare to disobey the command center's order.

 They quickly gathered their troops and set off.

 Right now, everyone was discussing what the objective of this mission was.

 The command center hid it so well.

 Although the other Lords didn't have to go, they were equally nervous.

 After all, these fifty Lords could be said to be the elites of the Lords.

 If they were to suffer any great losses in this mission...

 Then, the chances of surviving the next beast horde would be much lower.

 This was something no one wanted to see.