5340 Points of Combat Strength? For Real?

Not all Lords were willing to submit to Chen Feng.

A and B-class overlords were still okay.

However, there were many S-Class overlords who had opinions about Chen Feng.

The reason was simple.

On one hand, they couldn't stand the fact that he, a class F, always occupied the top position on the rankings.

On the other hand, Chen Feng had violated their interests.

Chen Feng's existence had caused the best rewards to be swept away every time.

What they could get would naturally be less.

Some people could admit that Chen Feng was stronger than them, so it was only right for him to get the reward.

But there were people who just didn't want to admit that they were weaker.

For example, the current overlord.

Not only did he not believe Chen Feng's words, he even scoffed at them.

A few other S-Class members beside him also showed expressions of disbelief.