Chapter 12 Really Think You're Somebody

The nanny van Elfa left Yingge Clubhouse, and the two occupants inside didn't speak, their expressions neutral, not at all concerned about the recent events.

For Ye Feng, as the King of the Northern Border, a reigning monarch who once guarded the nation's northern territories, single-handedly holding at bay the enemy's million-strong army of wolves and tigers.

In his lifetime, he had witnessed blood-soaked landscapes, scenes a hundred, even a thousand times greater than this, today's matter didn't even ripple the surface of his calm.

A ruler of an era, a battle-hardened star general, anyone who dared plot against him would be treated as a traitor, to be killed on the spot without discussion!

Seventeen, evidently, had also faced great trials and tribulations, and neither was particularly talkative.

Suddenly, Ye Feng spoke, "No need to hurry back to the Hong Family just yet, let's take a drive around first, it's been more than a decade since I've been back, I want to see how this city has developed."

"Yes!" Seventeen responded, steering the wheel and then driving aimlessly onward.

But what Ye Feng didn't know, and didn't care to know, was that at this very moment, the Hong Family of Jiangdu and the Chu Family had already stirred up a tumultuous storm.

It wasn't until the sun had set and night arrived that the car returned to the Hong Family.

The welcoming hall in front of the Hong Family was ablaze with lights, with Old Master Hong personally waiting at the front gate.

"Mr. Ye, you have finally returned."

Hong Zhenguo, along with Hong Qingyan, stepped forward, opening the car door to help Ye Feng out.

"It's been years since I've been back to Jiangdu. This afternoon I took the opportunity to have a look around; I didn't expect to see such great development and changes in Jiangdu City," Ye Feng said with a light chuckle.

But Hong Zhenguo couldn't bring himself to smile. He thought to himself, with such a big incident having occurred, you still have the mood to go sightseeing.

However, on second thought, it made sense. Who the other party was—a ruler of an era. He would never take such a trivial matter to heart.

Coming to that realization, Hong Zhenguo relaxed a little, smiled and said, "Today I've called an important meeting with all the direct lineage members of the family, and we would like Mr. Ye to be our witness."

Ye Feng replied, "No rush, I'm hungry. Let's fill our stomachs first."

Hong Zhenguo nodded and didn't say more, subtly signaling to Hong Qingyan with a slight tilt of the head.

Consequently, Hong Qingyan began to push the wheelchair, slowly entering the inner courtyard.

As they passed through the main hall, all the members of the Hong Family younger generation, including Hong Wei and Hong Yuting siblings, as well as the couple Hong Tianming and Zhang Yuman, and other relatives of the Hong Family like the eldest and second aunts, all came out to the door.

No one spoke, merely watching in silence as Hong Qingyan pushed the wheelchair past them.

Not until the wheelchair had completely vanished at the end of the corridor did Hong Yuting finally burst out, her voice cold with anger, "This crippled son-in-law, he really thinks he's something, doesn't he?"

"Honestly, his airs are just too much. To have so many of us waiting on just him, it's simply unreasonable!" Hong Tianming's brother, Hong Tianguo, curled his lip in disdain.

"Let him eat. I reckon tonight's meal will be his last supper!"

"Having killed the eldest son of the Chu Family, this waste is undoubtedly doomed. The Chu Family will never let him off!"

Hong Yuting spoke in an angry tone, regaining her composure and calm after an afternoon, seemingly having forgotten her own terrified desperation earlier at Yingge.

All of a sudden, Hong Tianming asked, "Father, how do you view the assassination of Chu Tiange? What is your stance exactly?"

Hong Tianguo also said, "Big brother, even if you have already betrothed Qingyan to him, this man still ends up a cripple. Moreover, he hasn't actually married Qingyan yet, so he can only be considered at best a half-son-in-law to our Hong Family."

"With him having killed Chu Tiange today, he has committed a grave offense. You surely don't still intend to protect such a crippled son-in-law, right?"

Standing in the darkness, Hong Zhenguo remained silent, but inside he sighed. He wasn't protecting Ye Feng; he was hoping to use Ye Feng to protect the Hong Family.


Even Hong Zhenguo had thought of using the opportunity of saving Ye Feng as a chance to hitch the Hong Family to this robust tree. If that were the case, then the Hong Family wouldn't just rise rapidly in status, but could dominate Jiangdu.

However, such words he could not say, and it was likely that today he had even less face to say them.

A golden opportunity had turned into a complete mess because of his two idiotic grandchildren.

Hong Yuting suddenly said in a cold voice, "Today, not only did Chu Tiange die, but several offspring of Jiangdu's powerful families were also killed by him."

"Grandfather, if we don't hand over this useless Ye Feng today, it's very likely that one day these powerful families will join hands against our Hong Family, and that would put us in a precarious situation!"

"Yes, Grandfather, we should beat this trash half to death and then hand him over to the Chu Family, otherwise, our family might be implicated!" Hong Wei chimed in to support.

Hong Zhenguo was already trying to contain his anger, but upon hearing these two fools speak, his rage shot through the roof.

"Shut up, you two idiots! If you dare utter one more word, I'll kill you both first!"

Hong Zhenguo pointed at the two and gnashed his teeth, "My attitude will be clear after Mr. Ye has finished his meal and comes to the hall!"

Hong Tianguo shook his head without saying much, his expression one of deep distress. It seemed his big brother was truly losing his marbles; he feared the Hong Family's vast enterprise was about to be ruined.

In a cold voice, Hong Tianming said, "Let's wait until he arrives to discuss it, but I'm certain that the Chu Family is already seething with rage. They'll likely come knocking on our door demanding the person soon."

"Father, you'd better think carefully about what to do when the time comes, whether to hand him over or not!"

After saying this, Hong Tianming swung his arm and strode into the hall.

At this time, in the Inner Courtyard's small attic, Ye Feng was slowly enjoying his porridge, plain white porridge with pickled cabbage and radishes. He ate leisurely, savoring every bite.

Hong Qingyan sat by his side, silently watching him eat. She actually had many questions she wanted to ask, but seeing how calmly he was eating, she found herself unable to speak.

Eventually, Hong Qingyan couldn't help but ask, "How is it, Big Brother Ye, are the pickled radishes good?"

Ye Feng smiled and said, "Not bad, just a bit too sour, and not spicy enough."

Hong Qingyan replied, "Then next time I'll take note to add more chili."

Ye Feng turned his head to look at her and said, "Can I make a request?"

"Go ahead."

"I've been eating cabbage for over a month now; next time can you switch it up?" Ye Feng said with a smile that was a bit irked: "The Hong Family is wealthy and powerful, surely you have more than just cabbage?"

Hong Qingyan was taken aback, initially thinking he was about to make a substantial request, but it turned out to be this, which inadvertently made her laugh.

"So next time, would you like me to change to baby bok choy instead?"

"..." Ye Feng was speechless, shook his head, and put down his chopsticks, "Let's go, to the front courtyard hall!"

Hong Qingyan stood up and, pushing the wheelchair, went out with Seventeen, who was waiting at the door. They pushed the wheelchair downstairs and then slowly made their way towards the front courtyard under cover of night.

The front courtyard hall had been bustling with noise, but as soon as everyone saw the young man being pushed in the wheelchair, all the younger generation of the Hong Family fell silent, each turning their heads to look this way.

"This loser confined to a wheelchair, to think he's the Hong Family's son-in-law. He commands more respect than anyone, yet Grandfather still indulges him. It's like seeing a dog!" Hong Wei muttered disdainfully from a corner.

"Little brother, cool down. There's no point getting angry with someone who's about to die."

Hong Yuting curled her lip, "I've already heard the news that the Chu Family and several other great families are on their way here at this moment. Let's just wait and see how this waste meets his end!"
