Chapter 10 A Good Hand

Ye Feng remained in a state of closed-eye meditation, seemingly indifferent to the situation outside the car.

Seventeen, although his eyes were wide open, did not react since Ye Feng always remained silent.

Hong Qingyan realized something was wrong and tried to calm herself as she secretly attempted to make a phone call for help.

But this damned place had no signal.

"Hehe, little girl, stop struggling. The signal here has been jammed long ago!"

The man with the scar sneered and waved his hand, "Please get out of the car, the three of you. Now that you've entered my territory, naturally, I will treat you 'properly'."

While speaking, a blade unexpectedly appeared in the hand of the man with the scar.

The seven or eight minions each revealed blades, swords, and clubs in their hands as well.

Hong Qingyan had never seen such a scene and was so frightened that her legs went weak.

The scarred man chuckled, "Not getting out? Fine. Do you see that cliff up ahead? It must be over a kilometer deep. If this car goes over, the people and vehicle would instantly shatter to pieces."

Hong Qingyan was extremely scared and, clutching Ye Feng's arm, asked shakily, "Big Brother Ye, what should we do now?"

Only then did Ye Feng slowly open his eyes, without even glancing at the ten or so people outside, and simply asked, "Who sent you?"

"Who sent us?"

The man with the scar was taken aback but then sneered, "No one sent us. You drove in here. Either pay forty million for the three of you and the car, or that cliff will be your burial site!"

"Rest assured, if the car falls off the cliff, it will definitely look like an accident. Even if someone investigates, they won't be able to link it back to us."

The man with the scar laughed oddly, clearly having plotted everything in advance.

Ye Feng's expression remained the same as he asked, "I'll ask one last time, who sent you? Was it Chu Tiange, or that idiot Hong Wei?"

The scarred man gritted his teeth, "So it seems you're not willing to pay to avoid disaster?"

"Seventeen!" Ye Feng just called out.

"Yes, my lord!" Seventeen finally acted, pushing open the car door and stepping out.

At that moment, Ye Feng added, "Close the car door; don't disturb my rest. Find out who's behind this!"

As for such petty tricks, how could they possibly fool the Fiery Eyes Golden Pupils of the Northern Border King? The suspicious driver was evidence enough.

Seventeen nodded, turned, and slowly pulled the car doors closed.

Hong Qingyan, extremely afraid, turned to look at Ye Feng, only to see him once again closing his eyes to rest and meditate.

He did not seem scared at all, not one bit frightened!

Shortly after, Hong Qingyan heard a series of loud bangs outside the car, lasting about five seconds, before everything fell silent.

Then Seventeen pushed the door open and took the driver's seat.

"My lord, I found out. The instigator was Chu Tiange!" Seventeen reported before pressing the ignition and then slowly drove away.

Hong Qingyan rolled down the window and peered out to see the ten or so previously menacing gangsters now lying silent and motionless on the ground, and her complexion went pale.

She turned to look at Seventeen and then back at Ye Feng, her heart pounding furiously.

Yet Ye Feng simply asked her, "Do you remember the way up the mountain?"

Hong Qingyan was startled, "I remember, but are we still going..."

"You lead the way. Let's go up the mountain to complete the tribute and prayer first."

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng added, "This incident today might implicate the Hong Family. After climbing the mountain, inform Old Man Hong of the situation so he is prepared."

After finishing that sentence, Ye Feng closed his eyes again.

Hong Qingyan merely nodded slightly. Despite the myriad of questions she wanted to ask, she found herself unable to utter a word, her mind still filled with the image of the dozen or so bodies lying on the ground at the Abandoned Lumber Mill.

She really couldn't believe it. This guy had just killed people yet he was still so calm as if it was nothing to him, and their expressions looked as if they had merely crushed a dozen ants.

More than an hour later, the car finally arrived at the Daoist temple on the mountain.

The worship had already ended, Hong Wei and the others had left earlier, and only Old Master Hong was still there.

"What happened, Qingyan? Why have you only arrived now?" Master Hong asked.

"We encountered some trouble," Hong Qingyan said with a flicker in her eyes.

The astute Old Hong Zhenguo immediately sensed something was off and waved his hand, "First go and pay your respects to your grandmother. We'll talk about everything else later!"

Ye Feng did not participate in the worship. Only Old Master Hong and Hong Qingyan entered the Daoist temple.

About half an hour later, the two came out, and Hong Zhenguo's face looked very grim.

"Idiotic bastard, truly an idiotic bastard!" ranted Hong Zhenguo all the way, presumably having heard about the incident from Hong Qingyan.

Hong Zhenguo quickly approached Ye Feng, bending over slightly and asked, "Mr. Ye, how do you intend to deal with this matter?"

Ye Feng, sitting in the wheelchair, gazed at the distant mountains and said leisurely, "You should know that for anyone who becomes my enemy, even those who plot against my life, I have only one way of dealing with them—kill."

The moment the word "kill" was spoken, a sudden cold wind blew through the courtyard outside the Daoist temple, the murderous intent chilling. Hong Zhenguo couldn't help but jump in fright.

"But Mr. Ye, Hong Wei..." At this moment, the helmsman of the Hongtian Group of the Hong Family of Jiangdu found it almost impossible to speak.

"I know Hong Wei is your grandson. For your sake, I'm willing to give him a chance."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!" Hong Zhenguo bowed his hands in gratitude.

"Go check immediately and tell me where Chu Tiange is right now!" Ye Feng commanded.

"Yes!" Hong Zhenguo answered and took out his cell phone to call Hong Wei directly.

The call connected quickly, and they heard Hong Wei on the other end, "Grandpa, you're asking where Chu Tiange is; he's with me right now."

"Where are you right now?"

Hong Zhenguo's voice was stern and incisive; only he, as an old soldier, understood that anyone who acted against the Northern Border King could be considered as courting death.

In other words, Chu Tiange and Hong Wei were as good as dead at this moment.

"We're at the Yingge Beautiful Club. What's up, Grandpa? Is something the matter?" Hong Wei asked.

"Yingge Beautiful Club? You still have the mood to enjoy yourself? Leave there immediately and come back home!"

"Hey, Grandpa, what are you saying? I can't hear you well, I'm hanging up, I'll be back later tonight, that's it..." With that, Hong Wei cut off the call.

"Yingge Beautiful Club? Seventeen, let's go!" Ye Feng ordered.

Seventeen immediately pushed Ye Feng into the car and hurried to the driver's seat.

Hong Qingyan subconsciously followed, but Hong Zhenguo quickly held her back, "You shouldn't get involved in the matter that's about to unfold."

Hong Qingyan asked, "Grandpa, what exactly is going on? Is it serious?"

Hong Zhenguo sighed, "It's a long story, and as for whether it's serious, it depends on the Chu Family's attitude now. Let's hope they don't push their luck."

After saying that, he added, "No, I must get in touch with Hong Tianming right away and have him order Hong Wei to come back immediately. If that boy really gets involved, I'm afraid I won't be able to save him either!"

Hong Zhenguo immediately called Hong Tianming, but the latter just wouldn't pick up, infuriating him as he cursed, "That idiot Hong Wei has made a complete mess of a good hand!"