Chapter 35 He Must Kneel in Front of Me too

The atmosphere had been fine, but then things escalated to violence in a flash.

Hong Yuting saw that things were amiss and swiftly sidestepped to safety, yet at this moment her heart was already blooming with joy.

She had been contemplating how to fan the flames to intensify the conflict between the two men, but now it seemed completely unnecessary.

"Ye Feng, this kid, is simply courting death. It's bad enough that he offended the Lei Family, but now he's dared to be so disrespectful and insolent even towards Young Master Jiang. You should know, this is the Young Master Jiang of the Jiang Family in the Southern River Region Jiangnan Province!" Hong Yuting couldn't help but think to herself.

While she was lost in her wild thoughts, there were two loud bangs, and then it was over.

Then, everyone saw the two burly, imposing bodyguards in black lying on the ground like dead dogs, howling and foaming at the mouth.