Chapter 130 It's you, take him down for me

Ye Feng entered the courtyard.

The courtyard was not large, containing only three small bamboo buildings, the ground floor of which was empty, with living quarters above due to the region's humid climate.

"Where is the King of the Southern Territory?" Ye Feng turned his head and asked the already-bound Xiao Jingyuan.

Xiao Jingyuan did not answer at all but simply snorted, "You brat, how dare you impersonate the Northern Border King, kidnap this Domain Lord, and even kill my subordinates. Now you have the audacity to break into the King of the Southern Territory's place of secluded cultivation, you have committed a heinous crime!"

"Surrender immediately, or it won't just be you facing punishment, but your entire family will be implicated as well!"

Ye Feng's gaze hardened, and he waved his hand, "Break his front teeth for me. If he dares spout more nonsense, break his limbs!"