Chapter 224: The Frenzied Son-in-Law Returns

You have stories, I have wine.

No, neither were Ye Feng's. He freeloaded both food and drink, considering himself a dutiful drinking companion and even more so, a faithful listener.

Those of advanced years always like to reminisce, to chew over old tales that linger on their lips, not easily forgotten. Even someone like Feng Zhen couldn't escape this rule. He ended up chatting with Ye Feng for the best part of a day, and then some.

Fortunately, one was willing to talk, and the other loved to listen.

"My Lord, I feel like I'm close."

In the car, Sima Zhantian unusually didn't raise his voice; he seemed a lot quieter.

Close to what?

This tone was somewhat off from usual. Ye Feng glanced at Sima Zhantian, who was sitting by himself in the back seat. His complexion looked perfectly normal, so why talk such nonsense?

"When we get to Jiangdu, I'll give you a checkup to make sure there are no lasting effects."

Ye Feng thought for a moment and then said so.