Chapter 237: Going to Find Little Martial Uncle

In the Northwest, within a secluded little mountain village, there lived a group of strange people.

The reason they were considered strange primarily boils down to three points.

First, the attire of the village residents was drastically different from that of modern people; their clothing could indeed be described as varied and colorful. Some wore official robes and gowns from the Ancient Dynasty era, others were clad in long robes that seemed to come straight from a Branch Sect, exuding an air of Immortal Qi, and still others simply draped themselves in animal skins. And then there were those whose outfits were simply beyond description.

Next was the geography of the village, nestled in a valley high in the mountains, surrounded by steep cliffs on all sides without any roads leading down. The cliffs were almost vertical, yet there was not a single ladder or staircase to descend the mountain; was it that they had no need to leave the mountain, or was it simply impossible?