Chapter 273: Return to the Imperial Capital


Like a cooking pot turns on the rabbit once the hunting dog catches it.

In the ruthless imperial family, Richard dared not speak up for William XII anymore. How much could conscience possibly be worth in this world? To risk one's own life for someone already dead seemed utterly unworthy of consideration.

Outside the royal palace, people still grieved for the Grand General of the Royal Court who had died in battle.

Within the palace, however, Peter XVI had already coldly abandoned William's family. Once General Max returned, the William Family would undoubtedly be doomed.

"Richard, how many years have you followed me?"

Peter XVI quickly shed his indulgent demeanor, composedly returning to the hall.

"Twenty-two years."

Richard counted carefully in his heart, fearing he might misspeak by even a year.

"Not easy, it's been twenty-two years."