chapter 3

"So babes, that's how I got the chance to come back" Mariam said why taking a bite from the pancake that merlia made.

"wow, I still can believe you're back, How's mom and dad and little miss Kiara?" Merlia asked. She was really fond of kiara, mariam's little sister.

"They are fine, mom and dad sent their regards" Mariam said

Mariam's family have been very kind to merlia since she lost her parents, merlia considered them as her family but unfortunately for her they had to relocate to another country. They had actually insisted that merlia should come with them but she refused saying ' she didn't want to be a burden' so here she is.

"babes have you heard of the latest news?" Mariam asked

"what news are you talking about?" merlia said confused

"first of all, I have good news....the modeling industry are taking in new models" mariam beamed happily

"oh no!, the money I've been saving won't be enough, what do I do mariam?, I can't let this year pass me by" merlia said in a sad tone

"oh baby, I wish I could help but you know my family is also struggling financially"

"I know, you don't need to tell me and by the way your family has helped me alot, your parents helped me finish my college and I'm very greatful for that, you don't need to help me, I'll find a way okay"

"if you say so babes, and secondly the Almighty Kyle grey is said to be looking for a wife, who ever becomes his wife get whatever she wants"

"And you're interested?" merlia asked

"Yes I'm interested and you should be interested too, who knows?... you might get choosen and then you can get him to sponsor you in your modeling career"

"you're right you know, oh I love you, thanks for the idea, we can get the address and go tomorrow since I have a day off tomorrow, but wait....are you sure this is a good idea?" Merlia asked worriedly.

Mariam sighed "Do you have another option?" She looked idly at merlia who cat suddenly caught her tongue.

"then tommorow it is babes" Mariam said and smiled slightly.

"Ugggghhh, just take your bath and let's get some sleep, it's getting late" merlia playful nudged her with her elbow and mariam laughed heartily.

"maybe I'll even stay here till I'm ready to go back home"

"you're always welcome to my humble abode mariam"

"humble indeed, I really like the decorations in this room"

"thanks, I did it myself, please I'm really sleepy, take your bath and get to sleep" merlia said while walking towards the bed

"Good night babes" she said to mariam while laying on the bed and with that she dozed off.

The next day...

"Safe trip back home young lady we'll get back to you" Grandfather grey said to the beautiful damsel that came for the interview while Kyle just sat there like a statue

"Grandfather please I really think you should stop this, I'll get married when i want not when you want" Kyle said with an irritated look

"just shut up, how will you get married when you always cold towards people" and without waiting for Kyle's reply

"please call in the next person" grand father grey said to one of his guards, and then the guard left to call in the next person.

Mariam walked in with bold steps. "Good morning sir, I'm Mariam Archer, I'm single and interested in marrying Mr Kyle grey" Mariam said with all boldness after she settled on one of the chairs.

"Good morning beautiful girl, let's just go straight to the point, I just have a few questions I want you to answer" grandfather grey said to her.

"I'm all ears sir" mariam replied and the session continued.


After Mariam finished answering the questions Grandfather grey asked her, she simply thanked the old man and stood up to leave.

"we will get back to you and if you're choosen you'll have to make a bargain with my grandson, you can go now" and with that Mariam left.

"please send in the next person" grandfather grey said, and the same guard immediately went to fetch the next person who happened to be merlia.

When merlia walked to the place where her interview was going to take place, she wasn't too surprised to see the familiar face. But she couldn't help but stare at him.

'if I can recall correctly, this is the man who save me at the club that night, wow I can't believe this' merlia thought to herself.

"Good morning sir, I'm Merlia Armstrong, my pleasure to meet you" merlia greeted grandfather grey and Kyle who was just sitting and staring at something on his phone suddenly looked up only to meet eyes with the same girl he saved that night at the club.

'what is she doing here?' Kyle asked himself. They stared at each other for a long time that Grandfather Grey had to clear his throat to break the tension between the both of them.

"Such a lovely beauty we have here, come have a sit my dear" Grandfather grey gestured her to sit down.

"Thank you sir".

"So tell me are you model? Because you look too beautiful to not be one?" Grandfather grey started the conversation.

"No sir I'm not a model yet.... it's actually my dream to become one" Kyle scoffed when merlia said this.

"I like you already merlia, and I'm sure you'll make a good wife for my grandson"

"I don't understand sir, you're already choosing me?"

"Yes my dear, I believe you both have met before so i choose you my dear, I'll have to leave the both of you to discuss your bargain"

"Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate" merlia beamed

Grandfather grey laughed heartily "You don't have to thank me merlia dear, and also... don't call me sir, call me grandfather"

"Ok grandfather" merlia said and smiled at the old man as she watched him walk away.

She was soon brought back from her world of bliss as soon as she heard the cold and menacing words from Kyle.

"what do you think you're doing?, a girl like you cannot be my wife, you're not my type" Kyle said in disgust.

"maybe we could just give it a try just to please your grandfather, he seemed happy to finally get you a wife and by the way I'm not here because I like you" merlia said scornfully and Kyle's eyes got darker.

"since you really want to go into this, then listen carefully to my rules. first, you'll have to live with me....secondly, you're not allowed to touch my personal stuff or interfere in my business....and lastly, you should never fall in love with me. And for the records, our marriage is a contract marriage and it ends after one year. After that one year, you are never to come close to me, also, breaking my rules comes with a punishment and my grandfather should not hear about this, DEAL or NO DEAL" Kyle said in one go

"wait..before I agree, I have a condition"

"what condition?" Kyle asked in irritation

"you'll have to sponsor me in my modeling career" merlia said in a low tone

"modeling?, I never thought a girl like you will be interested in modelling" Kyle said in amazement

"well, I've been saving for it but it's not enough so when i heared the news i thought maybe I could try my luck"

"what if you weren't choosen, what would you have done?" kyle asked

"maybe I would have looked for a faster way to get the money"

"faster way like selling your body?" Kyle asked as his eyes got darker.

merlia has never thought about something like that, she was just trying to rile him up and it seems it's working. She was about to give him a good comeback but he cut her off.

"It's enough, go home...a car will be sent to take you to the court tommorow"

"So it's a deal then" merlia said in an excited tone

"Yes it's a deal, just don't break any of my rules"

"I'll obey your rules, thank you so much" merlia beamed happily and bid him good bye