chapter 14

Inside the bathroom, kyle allowed the cold freezing water to pour mercilessly on him, as he pondered on the activities that just happened, it was getting hard to control monster every minute he spends with her, he couldn't get his mind off her, this one sexual activity alone was enough to erupt his desires but he had to control himself in order not to hurt her. if there was one thing he was very sure about, then it had to be the fact that he couldn't stay away from her even when he tries. and he laughed frustratingly at the thought of it.

"I can't believe this" kyle sighed to himself.

Few minutes later he came out of the bathroom and found merlia sleeping soundly. He walked towards her and bent slightly to her level, watching her calmly.

"What are you doing to me merlia" she whispered carefully, not wanting to wake her up.

He sighed inwardly and went to lay down beside her while engulfing her in a warm cuddle.


The bright morning sun that shone directly on merlia's face woke her up from her peaceful sleep. she stared at the whole room. finally recalling everything that happened yesterday night made her look towards the other side of the bed but it was empty and she thanked God because she didn't know how to react towards him after yesterdays "punishment".

Thinking about it again made her cheeks burn and she covered her face in shame. 'this is going to be awkward' merlia thought to herself.

"what are you doing?" a deep voice jolted her from her world of fantasies.

"n...n...nothing" she struggled to reply

"get ready, we're going to the modelling company and about the portfolio, i sent my PA to send it to them and you have been accepted, all you have to do now is to go and introduce yourself to the director and you're good to go"

"but I thought I'll have to go for my cast, before I'm accepted" merlia asked with a slight frown.

"Why do you have to do that when I can just get you in with money?" Kyle asked with a raised eyebrow.

"But that's not a fair process, I was supposed to earn this not work my way in"

"I'll advice you to keep your mouth shut. now get ready and let's go " Kyle said indifferently and walked out of the room.

"ohhhh my goodness, how can he do this without asking me first, now they are going think I got into the modeling company through the help of a sugar daddy, I can't believe he's trying to ruin my career before I even start it" merlia said angrily and went to the bathroom.

She furiously got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast. They soon left for the modelling company, the drive was uncomfortably silent and merlia was to angry to even have a conversation with him so she just let it be.


Walking majestically into the modelling company, merlia was amazed by what she saw, there were beautiful and sexy models everywhere, even more beautiful than her.

A lady wearing an office uniform walked towards them.

"Good morning sir, my boss is expecting you please come this way" the lady said to Kyle and directed them to the directors office.

walking into the office, a middle age man was sitting in the middle of the office while operating on his computer system.

"Boss Mr Kyle Grey is here" the lady said to the man and he looked up.

"ohh, it so good to see you Mr Grey" director Collins said smiling brightly but Kyle showed no emotion "is she the girl you were talking about?" he asked turning to merlia who quickly nodded.

"please have your seat" he said to them and they took their seat.

"Good morning sir, I'm Merlia Armstrong, 25 years of age, I graduated from an average modeling school and I'm very sure you won't regret having me here" merlia said anxiously

"calm down girl, you have been approved already, I just needed to see you in person, that's why I told him to bring you, you really are an epitome of beauty and I have no doubt that you'll be a great model" director Collins said and brought out some documents.

"all you have to do is sign here, the company is going to be giving you contacts that will improve your modeling career, a personal agent and an assistant would be assigned to you, you're good to go" the director explained and merlia signed the contract.

'my dreams has finally come through ' she beamed and said in her head, she turned to look at Kyle, only to be met with his alluring gaze.

They left the company as soon as she was done introducing herself to some of the models.

Inside the car....

"are you sure he's not going to tell everyone that you're sponsoring me?" merlia finally asked Kyle the question that has been bordering her.

"he's an obedient puppy, I'm sure he won't say anything" Kyle replied and she nodded her head and then there was silence, merlia quietly stared out the window not knowing what to say or how to start a conversation with him.

Merlia got too tired of staring at the road so she decided to chat with Mariam.

"Hey Mariam" merlia texted and she got an immediate reply, it was like Mariam was waiting for her to text her.

"what's up merlia, any gist?"

"you didn't even ask me what I was doing, or how my day is going, all you want is gist" merlia texted frowning slightly to herself.

"I'm sorry baby, how are you doing, any gist?"

"I'm fine and by the way, I just became a model few minutes ago" merlia said and beamed slightly

"oh my goodness baby, I'm so happy for you, after so many years, you finally got what you were dying for 😀😀"

"i can't wait to get my first contract" merlia smiled and while merlia was busy smiling at her phone, she was oblivious to the fact that Kyle's face had turned extremely cold, far different from what he had earlier.

'why is she smiling like that?, who is she chatting with?, so I'm unimportant to her now?,' those were the only questions running through his mind.

She looked outside the window and found out that they weren't going towards the direction of his house

"were are we going?" merlia finally talked to him for the first time since they entered the car.

"company" he replied shortly and merlia scoffed slightly

'what's even wrong with this guy, this minute he's alright, the next minute he's cold, tsk.... really mysterious' merlia said to herself and continued texting her friend.


Walking into the company, merlia noticed how everyone they came across stared at her with surprise on their face. murmuring came from different corners of the company.

"who's that girl? "

"maybe it's his wife or girlfriend "

"oh please, you know our boss can never have a romantic relationship with anyone "

"don't assume nonsense "

"but come to think of it, she's really beautiful"

"yeah like a goddess "

"they just walked in like a real couple, you know, match made in heaven "

"we should better get back to what we were doing before we regret it" one of the worker suggested and they all quickly went back to what they were doing.


A/N: I have no modeling experience so please bear with me.