"Huh? What do you mean?" Nancy asked in confusion.

"Three thousand years ago, my army of dinosaurs once again rose after the meteor shower. Do you really want to hear the entire story?" T-Rexus asked with an evil chuckle.

"We don't really care about the entire story. We just want to know what you meant by repeating the same mistake twice" Lucy said impatiently.

"The entire story was my mistake. My army rose and our evil engulfed the world as is about to happen" T-Rexus said smiling evilly. "Well, a chosen one was appointed as usual. He was in love like Samuel Anderson seems to be with you. I, of course kidnapped the love of his life and soon he was given a choice. The safety of the love of his life, their happiness or the safety of the world. He of course sacrificed his life for the world and my plan was destroyed though his life was the price. He gave his life because he had to. I made a mistake but his was grave and fatal. I left the cave unguarded and he discovered my weakness. I'll leave you to figure out his mistake. What I'm trying to say is…I won't be repeating the same mistake" T-Rexus said tauntingly. "General Plesiosaur, guard the Caves and kill anyone that approaches. I don't need any more captives, not Saurian and that blasted boy" T-Rexus commanded.

"Saurian, these are the Twin Mountains. The Dinosaur Caves are right over the mountains and across the Misty Valley" Sam said.

The region was very quiet. There was not the sound of birds, of drums or even the wind. The entire Valley was blurred with mist.

"Something's not right. T-Rexus is not so careless as to leave Dinosaur Caves unguarded. My guess is that he's planning an…" but Sam didn't have time to finish his sentence when Revilexus Rays shot towards the Sky.

The Dinosaurs were firing everything they had.

"…AMBUSH!" Sam and Saurian yelled together.

The Pterogons fought back burning every Dinosaur they could see but there was a problem. The Dinosaurs were not dying. Sam noticed it and told Saurian but Saurian replied saying,

"Your eyes may be playing tricks on you".

The Pterogons led the Dinosaurs away from Dinosaur Caves to the Misty Valley giving Sam and Saurian enough time to sneak in. The Caves were dark but Sam and Saurian could see clearly due to the light emitted from their bodies. It so happened that the Dinosaurs couldn't see the light thus the two were cloaked in invisibility.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Too bad don't you think to waste the lives of those who have barely began to live it, don't you agree Jane?" T-Rexus taunted.

"My lord, we have a problem" General Plesiosaur announced.

"Could it be Sam?" Nancy whispered.

"Don't count on it" T-Rexus said and left the Cave the girls were trapped in.

After about five minutes after T-Rexus left, the Cave began to glow brightly till two outlines came into the room.

"Huh?!" the girls exclaimed.

"We know it's you T-Rexus! Stop playing tricks! We're not scared!" Lucy said boldly.

Suddenly, the light became fainter till the girls saw the outline of a beast and a boy with flowing hair.

"T-Rexus huh? Since when does he glow?" the boy asked.

The boy freed the girls. That's when they realized that the beast was behind the boy.

"Watch out!" Nancy screamed and the boy looked behind himself.

"Nancy, Lucy, Jane, don't worry. This is not a Dinosaur. He's a Dragon. Besides, he won't hurt you. We came here to rescue you" the boy said.

"Sam?" Lucy asked, shocked at the change in Sam's appearance.

"It is me and this here is Saurian" Sam said.

"Glad to meet you" the girls greeted Saurian.

"Boy, are we glad to see you. We thought you were dead" Nancy said.

"Sam, you look…" Lucy was saying.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, cute" Sam said.

Lucy eyed him.

"Your sense of humour hasn't changed one bit. You could kill someone with it someday" Lucy said.

"Sam, I know now that you were telling me the truth and I…" Jane was saying when Sam cut her off.

"Not now Jane. Right now we've got to get…" Sam began to say when a voice interrupted him.

"Out?" the voice completed the sentence.


"In another Cave" General Plesiosaur answered plainly.

"Sam, go and find him. There is a score I must settle NOW!" Saurian roared.

Sam nodded and took the girls out of the Cave to search the other Caves.

"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER AND NOW YOU WILL PAY!!!" Saurian roared menacingly.

Saurian lunged at General Plesiosaur but General Plesiosaur was swift and evaded to the right. Plesiosaur tried to knock Saurian down with the heavy shoulder tackle but Saurian leapt into the air and struck across Plesiosaur's jaw with his claws.

Plesiosaur began to smile.

"You can't hurt me Saurian. Neither can you kill me. How do you expect to gain revenge when you are so weak and pathetic? Edaphrogon was almost as pathetic as you are and that's why you're soon going to join him!" General Plesiosaur gloated.

At that comment, Saurian opened his jaws and breathed intense fire on Plesiosaur. Plesiosaur couldn't escape. There was a loud scream and Plesiosaur stepped out from the fire.

"Huh?!" Saurian gasped in surprise.

Meanwhile, Sam was searching each Cave. He could not find Ephragon. There were more than a thousand Caves to search.

"Lucy? Is there anything you can do?" Sam asked. "There's no way we can search all these Caves".

"I'll see what I can do" Lucy replied.

"Close your eyes Jane, you don't want to be blinded" Nancy warned.

Jane nodded and they all shut their eyes tight, all except for Lucy and Sam. Lucy was emitting so much light now that she was shocked that Sam's eyes were still open.

"Sam, isn't the light getting to you?! Come on! You could be blinded!" Lucy shouted.

"Lucy, don't worry about me. I'm as used to Light as Bats are to Darkness" Sam shouted back.

The Light now covered all the Caves.

"Wait a minute, I see something. It's chained and it's trying to shield its eyes" Lucy said.

"Ephragon! Lucy, it's Ephragon!" Sam exclaimed excitedly.

"How can you be so sure?" Lucy asked in confusion.

"The Dinosaurs are blind to the Light. If this one is trying to shield his eyes, then it means he can see the Light" Sam said.

"That explains a lot like why the Dinosaurs aren't here to…" Lucy was saying when out of nowhere a voice shouted

"Hey! You there!"

A Dinosaur jumped out from behind them.

"Uh, I guess you spoke a little too soon Luce" Sam said.

"Let's just forget I ever said that okay?" Lucy said nervously.

Suddenly, another Dinosaur jumped out from behind them, and another and another. They were now surrounded by four Dinosaurs.

"See Saurian, we cannot die for the Constellation is our life" Plesiosaur said.

Saurian jumped and stabbed Plesiosaur with his pointed tail.

"AAAH!" Plesiosaur screamed but as soon as Saurian withdrew his tail, the wound healed.

"You see?" Plesiosaur said calmly.

"I've got nothing to worry about but you on the other hand…" Plesiosaur paused.

Plesiosaur lunged at Saurian. Saurian jumped aside but Plesiosaur's tail scratched Saurian's shoulder.

"You are a coward Plesiosaur! You killed my brother though you knew there was no way he could kill you. You have no code of honour!" Saurian roared.

"Honour, honour, honour" Plesiosaur said tauntingly. "It's what will finally end your pathetic life. In this world the only thing that matters is POWER! ABSOLUTE POWER!" he shouted. "Who needs honour when one is already feared by all?!" Plesiosaur roared.

"Tell that to T-Rexus you two faced scoundrel!" Saurian roared and once more breathed fire on Plesiosaur.

Plesiosaur jumped out of the flames and struck Saurian across the chest with his claws.

"AH!" Saurian roared holding his chest.

He looked at Plesiosaur and suddenly began to glow mad! I don't mean he began to grow mad! I meant what I wrote. He began to glow mad! He became too bright for Plesiosaur to see.

"Now you've done it Plesiosaur! I don't remember the last time I was filled with such fury but you had to strike me across my burning heart!" Saurian roared so loud that the Caves began to collapse.

"What about your Code Of Honour Saurian?" Plesiosaur said in fright.

"In this battle against you, there is no honour! You killed my brother without thinking of honour! MORTAL OR IMMORTAL, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!!!" Saurian roared.

"Any tricks up your sleeve Sam?" Nancy asked.

"I'm working on it" Sam answered.

The Dinosaurs were closing in on them.

"You've got to work faster!" Lucy shouted.

Sam began to look around. He found a stick lying on the ground.

"BINGO!" he shouted.

"What have you got up your sleeve?" Nancy asked.

"Just a stick!" Sam answered.

"A stick?! What?! Are you crazy?!" Lucy shouted.

"Sam? Do something!" Jane said.

Sam flew into the air, removed the Sword Of Edaphrogon from its sheath and attached the stick to its edge.

"Sam? What are you doing?!" Lucy asked.

"Hunting" Sam said plainly.

"This is it guy and girls! Get ready for a blast!" Sam called.

"Sam! This just isn't the time!" Lucy yelled.

"Cool down Luce, you're beginning to sound like John" Sam said.

All that time, the Dinosaurs were gaining on them.

"SAAM!" the three girls screamed.

"Whoa! Okay!" Sam exclaimed.

He felt the energy rising within him and

"ZZZAAAAAP!" the rays of lightning flowed through Edaphrogon's sword, diverged when it reached the tip of the wood and struck all four Dinosaurs.

The Dinosaurs flew and hit the walls hard and collapsed.

"COOL MOVE SAM!" Jane and Nancy cheered.

Lucy was as mad as ever.

"If you ever do that again, I'll turn you over to the Dinosaurs myself!" she yelled.

"Cool down Luce" Sam said.

"And stop calling me Luce, I'm not a ball!" she yelled.

"Oh, I get it loose?" Sam said.

"No!" Lucy shouted.

"Lost, Loser?" Sam teased.

"No!" Lucy shouted.

"How about uh…Lucifer" Sam said suddenly.

At this, Nancy and Jane began to laugh.

"That's it Samuel Anderson! You are dead!" Lucy yelled.

Nancy, Jane and Sam laughed harder.

"Don't you just love it when she's mad? It drives you crazy!" Sam burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"That's not a funny joke Sam!" Lucy yelled.

Jane realized something looking at Sam laughing and cracking jokes. It made her wonder just how much of Sam she actually knew.

"You know?" she said. "I've never seen this side of you before. You were always serious" she said.

"Come on Jane, don't crush this party" Nancy joked and not even Lucy could resist laughing.

"You know? I've never seen or heard you crack a joke before Nancy" Sam said and they laughed again. "Come on you girls. We've got to find Ephragon. Luce?" Sam suddenly said seriously.

Lucy suddenly turned to look at him angrily.

"Uh I mean Lucifer, where did you see him?" Sam joked and the laughter began.

"I'll just choose to ignore you this time. He's down there!" Lucy pointed to the ground.

"How do we get down there?" Jane asked feeling a little less awkward around the Andersons.

"I know a shortcut" Sam said seriously.

"How do you do that?" Jane asked.

"What?" Sam asked mechanically.

"One moment, you're funny, another moment you're serious, strong and sort of a leader and sometimes calm" Jane asked.

"Jane? I think the expression you're looking for is…" Nancy began to say.

"…short of a leader? Come on, no more jokes, we've got a mission" Sam cut Nancy off.

"How indeed did you do that?" Lucy asked.

"What?" Sam asked mechanically.

"How did you know I was going to say that?" Nancy asked.

"Intuition" Sam answered mechanically. "Stand back girls!" Sam ordered and punched the ground.

It shattered.

"Stay here! I'll bring Ephragon up" Sam said and dived into the hole.

"Ephragon! Ephragon! Where are you?" Sam called.

Then he heard a cough.

"Ephragon?" Sam called and looked at the corner of the Cave Walls.

Sam found Ephragon chained to the walls.

"Who are you?" Ephragon asked.

"I am a friend of your brother, Saurian" Sam replied.

"How are they? Saurian and Edaphrogon?" Ephragon asked.

"Saurian is alright" Sam felt uneasy. "Edaphrogon is…well…uh…he is dead. He was murdered by General Plesiosaur. Saurian is settling scores with General Plesiosaur right now. He sent me to free you" Sam said.

"Edaphrogon" Ephragon murmured in sorrow.

"Hold still" Sam ordered.

He held the chains. There was a sudden surge of power and the chains shattered.

"Thank you human" Ephragon said.

"Luce, Nancy, Jane? Where are you?" Sam called.

"Help! Sam!" a feminine voice which sounded like Lucy's called.

Suddenly, Sam saw a bright light flash from the cave where Saurian and Plesiosaur were fighting. There was another voice coming from below.