Meanwhile, John and George had arrived on top of the Twin Mountains with their split forces.

"Steady, steady" John whispered to his army on the West Twin Mountain.

"Wait till they are all in the Valley" George commanded from the East Twin Mountain.

"Steady" John said as T-Rexus' Army marched into the Valley below.

"Ready" George said.

"NOW!" both boys commanded when the dinosaurs were completely in the Valley.

Rocks rained on their enemies below. Dust flew about as the Dinosaurs ran helter skelter in total confusion. Now nothing could be seen below, in the Valley. And when the dust settled, nothing could be seen of the Dinosaurs but the rocks covering the bottom of the Valley.

"This was just too easy" George said.

"Now we've got to get to Sam, quick!" John said.

Suddenly, there was another sound in the Valley and it was growing louder.

"Stop!" John commanded. "I heard something".

"I can hear it too. It's coming from the Valley!" George said.

They peered into the Valley and Oh horror of horrors! The Dinosaurs were pushing the rocks aside and coming up out of them.

"No!" John said.

"I guess it's time to go to Plan B huh?" George said.

"How exactly does Plan B go again huh?" John asked nervously.

"I'll attack first, you'll be my reinforcements" George answered.

"No! Wait!" Ophiacodon called.

"What?!" both boys asked.

"Look!" Ophiacodon pointed to the Night Sky.

"WHAT ON EARTH?!" both boys exclaimed for they saw what Ophiacodon was looking at.

The constellation was glowing red as blood and a portion of the sky was that colour. The two last stars were slowly moving in to form the mouth.

"THERE'S NO TIME! WE NEED TO WARN SAM!" Ophiacodon roared.

"Sam, wherever you are, the plan isn't working" George thought to himself.

"What?" Sam said as he suddenly looked around.

"What is it?" Anne asked.

"I thought I heard something" Sam said.

"Maybe it was your imagination" Anne said.

"I guess you're right. Let's get out of here" Sam said.

"Sam, wherever you are, we are in real trouble" George thought nervously.

"George?"" Sam wondered. "George? Is that you? Did you just hear that voice?" Sam asked Anne.

"No" Anne said in confusion.

"Sam?" George called in astonishment. "Where are you? I can't see you" George asked in puzzlement.

"I'm here in the Dinosaur Caves" Sam answered. "But isn't that where you are? Aren't you in this Cave? Where else do you think I am?"

"No Sam, I'm not in the Caves. I was just leaving the Twin Mountains to come and warn you. I can't believe you can actually hear me from this distance. Besides, I'm not even speaking these words, I'm thinking them" George answered in amazement.

"Whoa, this must be some sort of telepathic communication" Sam answered equally amazed.

"Tele-what-ic communication?" George asked in puzzlement.

"Telepathic" Sam corrected him. "Some sort of mind to mind communication".

"Ok, either you've been watching too many Sci-fi Movies or I'm losing it" George said sarcastically.

"Time to get serious, what were you trying to warn me about?" Sam asked.

"The constellation. The last two stars are moving in to form the final part of its mouth" George said quickly.

"Now I gather you've got the girls safe?" George asked.

"That's another problem. I found them but I lost them after freeing Ephragon" Sam admitted regretfully.

"What?! Sam how could you be so…"

"HAHAHA!" a rude voice suddenly interrupted from above Sam.

"George, I've got to go" Sam thought silently but firmly.

Sam helped Anne out of the Cave and they began to proceed outside carefully.

"Let us go!" a feminine voice cried.

"Definitely Lucy" Sam thought quickening his steps.

George, John, Ophiacodon and the others continued to rush towards the Dinosaur Caves. The Dinosaurs pursued them.

"Even if they can't die, it doesn't necessarily mean they can't feel pain. Pterogons! Attack!" John commanded.

The Pterogons opened their jaws and breathed intense fire on the Dinosaurs. The screams of the Dinosaurs filled the air as the fire rained on them.

"LOOK! THE DINOSAUR CAVES! QUICK!" George commanded.

"Careful George, there might be an ambush in store for us" John shouted.

"Typical" George muttered to himself and then he shouted. "We don't have time to consider an ambush".

"We've got to warn Sam quick!" John shouted.

"John, I've got something to tell you" George said.

"Spill it out!" John shouted.

"I made telepathic comm. with Sam. I've warned him already but I didn't have time to warn him of the Dinosaurs! What do you think?!" George shouted so that John could hear amidst all the loud sounds around them.

"I think you're losing it!" John replied.

"Ya think?!" George thought as he focused on John.

"Whoa!" John screamed and nearly fell off Ophiacodon.

"See?" George thought to John again.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool!" John said giving George a thumbs up.

"You still think I'm losing it?" George asked.

"No, I think I'm losing it" John said.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, more Dinosaurs jumped out of their hiding places in the Caves and began to charge towards them.

"Pterogons, attack!" John commanded but the Pterogons were nowhere in sight.

They were fatally wounded by the Revilexus Rays from the Dinosaurs and some of them were dead.

"Surrender humans!" T-Rexus' voice commanded.

"Never you tyrant!" George shouted.

T-Rexus stepped out of the shadows of the monstrous Rex Mountain. Holding the girls were two evil looking Dinosaurs.

"Now we wouldn't want anything to happen to the girls now would we?" T-Rexus mocked the boys.

"HELP! LET US GO!" the girls struggled.

"LET THEM GO!" George shouted angrily.

"Of course I will but not until you surrender" T-Rexus said.

"No! Don't do it!" Lucy screamed.

John and George frowned and growled for a while before throwing down their swords.

"Get them!" T-Rexus ordered and the entire army surrounded them and bound them in evil flame like cords.

"Now let the girls go!" George shouted.

"I hadn't finished saying what I wanted to" T-Rexus smiled maliciously.

"Huh?" the boys gasped.

"We're definitely not going to like this" John said.

"Oh boy" George agreed.

"Now as I was saying, I'm going to let you and the girls go after I capture Sam and Saurian" T-Rexus said.

"You tricked us!" John shouted.

"Come on, you tricked yourself" T-Rexus said tauntingly.

Suddenly, there were the sounds of footsteps and Sam stepped out of the Cave with Saurian and Ephragon with Anne behind.

"Oh, look, the chosen one has arrived" T-Rexus mocked.

"Let them go!" Sam shouted angrily.

"This is going to be fun" said T-Rexus.