Meanwhile, on Earth, the people at the beach had gone back to relaxing and talking of the wonderful phenomenon that had just occurred. Yes indeed dear readers, to them it was something that had just occurred seconds ago. Dave and Kristy were just walking around the beach talking of the supposed 'storm' when Dave began to wonder where Jane was.

"Kristy, do you think Jane is with that Anderson geek?" Dave asked.

"No, Jane and that nerd aren't talking" Kristy replied.

"I can't believe he actually came up with such a lame story like the one he told Jane" Dave said.

"I've dreamt of him saving the world from a witch once" Kristy said.

"I think that geek's stories are getting to your head" Dave said. "As for me, I don't believe his fairytales".

Suddenly, the Sky began to darken.

"If he does save the world, then where's the evidence? No one's ever seen him save anyone except that time when he saved Jane" Dave said.

Meanwhile the Sky was growing darker.

"C'mon Kristy, let's go find shelter. I think it's going to rain" Dave said.

By that time, the waves were lashing dangerously about the seashore. A fierce wind was blowing and thunder and lightning were flashing and rumbling in the sky. Then slowly, the clouds began to spin around and around creating a vortex in the sky. Spectators at the beach looked at the Sky in awe.

"I've never seen anything like this before" people were saying to one another.

A man was even recording the skies on camera.

"What the heck is going on?" Dave asked.

Kristy pointed wide eyed at the sky as a dark figure, a huge beast flew down from the sky towards the people. That beast was the Dark Gryphon! It was blowing fire all around the beach, burning the Summer Huts and frightening the people.

A man began to shout.

"Repent ye sinners! Judgement Day is here! Repent or face the fires of Hell!"

All the people were screaming and running. Dave grabbed Kristy by the arm and they ran through the crowd of people. A news team was already at the beach recording the event live. Reporters and journalists streamed to the scene. Photographers took pictures while trying to escape the monstrous Gryphon. In certain parts of the beach, people were gathered, praying to God for Salvation. Non-believers suddenly became believers and joined the congregation. Dave and Kristy were among the group. The Dark Gryphon spotted the group and zoomed towards them with the intention of scorching them.

Suddenly, a Shooting Star appeared in the Sky accompanied by a group of dark figures. The Star zoomed towards the Earth with the figures following it. As the people looked closer, they noticed that the glowing figure wasn't a star but it was instead a Dragon. The Golden Dragon. The other figures landed on the ground and surrounded the people to keep them safe. The people noticed some humans sitting on the backs of the creatures. Most of the humans were in costumes while some wore armour. The Golden Dragon intercepted the Dark Gryphon as it headed towards the group and knocked the Dark Gryphon. Both the Golden Dragon and the Dark Gryphon fell to the ground and rolled for quite a distance.

News reports went round the city of a Golden Dragon and a Gryphon battling at the beach. People saw it on live television. Sam's parents were with the rest of the family when they saw the report. They saw the Anderson teens in the costumes and knew straightaway that those were their kids.

"We've got to help them!" Sam's mother said.

"Our kids can take care of the evil don't worry. Let us continue to enjoy our beer" John's father said.

"You are right. Bartender! Bring us five bottles of beer and give me two tots of Whisky!" George's father ordered.

Cool way of showing concern for their kids, don't you think?

Meanwhile back at the beach, the Golden Dragon and the Dark Gryphon were on their feet once more.

"For the last time Golden Dragon, give up!" Dark Gryphon ordered.

"And for the last time Dark Gryphon, I will never give up!" the Golden Dragon said.

"They can talk?!" a man screamed.

At least five women collapsed from shock. The Dark Gryphon leapt into the air and the Golden Dragon leapt after it. Lucy's powers were back and the rest of the Anderson teens had their powers restored to full strength.

"We're going to help regardless of whether the Golden Dragon wants our help or not!" Lucy shouted.

The Anderson teens leapt into the air with the two other Dragons, Saurian and Ephragon. The Golden Dragon and the Dark Gryphon faced each other. The others stood behind the Golden Dragon.

"You cannot win Dark Gryphon!" the Golden Dragon said.

The Dark Gryphon conjured up a larger whirlpool of shadow and ordered it to destroy all the Andersons and their comrades.

"You use the Darkness…" Lucy said as her eyes began to glow bright gold. "I use the Light!" she declared as a huge ball of light suddenly materialized and flew towards the Whirlpool Of Shadow.

The two elements crashed cancelling each other out. Next, the Dark Gryphon conjured a huge ball of Revilexus Rays. Much more powerful than before. Somehow, on Earth, its powers were amplified.

"It's aiming to kill!" the Golden Dragon thought.

It then focused a concentrated orb of fire around its comrades. The Golden Dragon itself was unprotected. The ball of Revilexus Rays was heading towards the orb of fire protecting the Golden Dragon's comrades. The Golden Dragon looked at the ball of Revilexus Rays as it headed towards the orb. It realized that the orb would not be enough to protect its comrades and rushed right into the path of the Revilexus Rays. It received the full brunt of the rays. The Dark Gryphon was laughing with great glee as the Golden Dragon crash landed. The people realized that the Golden Dragon was the one trying to protect them and they walked to it. The Golden Dragon saw the tears some of them were shedding for it. Dave and Kristy were in the front row. Dave patted the Golden Dragon and Kristy ran her fingers along its scales.

"This was indeed a noble beast" Dave said.

"Quit giving my obituary. You're still on my list Dave" the Golden Dragon said.

"Huh? How do you know my name?" Dave asked in confusion.

"A moment ago I was a geek, now I'm a noble beast? Who are you two kidding?" the Golden Dragon questioned them.

"Sam?!" Dave whispered sharply.

"Just promise me that you'll take care of Jane and I'll spare you. If you break your promise, I'll come back and barbecue you!" the Golden Dragon threatened.

"Okay, okay, I promise" Dave said.

"Now where was I? Oh yeah, operation stop the bad Gryphon!" the Golden Dragon said and stood up.

"You should be dead!" the Dark Gryphon screamed finally fed up of the Golden Dragon's persistence and seemingly endless stamina.

"PUH-LEASE! That sissy ball of R. Rays barely hurt me. I just lay there to buy you time but it's finally time for you to take a trip to Oblivion" the Golden Dragon said.

"Such big words! I will make you eat them!" the Dark Gryphon roared as it raced down to face the Golden Dragon.

The Golden Dragon flew towards the Dark Gryphon with speed till all the people saw was a blur of Shadow and Light. The Golden Dragon and Dark Gryphon crashed in midair. The force of the crash pushed the sea waves towards deep water and knocked some of the spectators to the ground. The force of the crash also created a large explosion. For a moment, all that could be seen of that part of the sky was dense smoke. When the smoke cleared, the Golden Dragon and Dark Gryphon were no longer seen. Instead, a human in a golden costume and a dark figure with a hood were seen. It didn't take long for the people to realize that the boy was the Golden Dragon and the other figure was the Dark Gryphon. The orb surrounding the Andersons disappeared.

The Dark Gryphon laughed because it knew that Sam was vulnerable in his human form. Boy was he wrong! The Dark Gryphon knocked Sam to the ground and repeatedly bombarded him with Revilexus Rays. Now the Dark Gryphon felt that Sam was dead and began to laugh once more.

When the smoke cleared, Sam was standing uninjured and strong.

"Huh?" Dark Gryphon gasped.

"Huh is right!" Sam said. "Seems you've lost your touch Dark Gryphon! Too bad 'cause THIS…" Sam said charging up a ball of Revilexus Rays. "…IS GOING TO HURT!" Sam said with a smirk.

The Dark Gryphon laughed and opened his arms wide for the shot.

"HIT ME!" Dark Gryphon taunted.

Sam smiled to himself.

"PERFECT!" he thought as Golden Sparks rushed through his hands into the Revilexus Rays until the red colour of the Revilexus Rays turned to Gold but still Sam kept charging it up!

The Gold colour brightened to pale yellow, then to white. Sam jumped towards the Dark Gryphon. The Dark Gryphon tried to escape.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" the Dark Gryphon screamed in fear.

"Some call it the Revilexus of Good, I call it the Sacred Flame also known as the True Light now stand still and TAKE THIS!" Sam said and hurled the ball of light at the Dark Gryphon.

It hit the Dark Gryphon with great force and in the next instant, the Dark Gryphon exploded into a pile of hot ash!