I wanted something a little simple. Our love is so magical, so much already that I was fine with a small ceremony.
Jim’s family was a little more insistent on something bigger though. Now that they’ve fully accepted us, they’ve whole heartedly embraced me in a way I never could’ve even imagined before. It’s everything I wanted in my in-laws.
So, we’ve compromised in a way. I still get a wedding that is in nature, which was most important to me. I feel so grounded when I’m in nature. I feel so at peace. It’s where I’m meant to be.
However, the location is beautiful and we’ve invited all of our friends and family. We’ve done everything we could to make it special.
I look at myself in the mirror and I’m thrilled by what I see, which is a nice boost of confidence I haven’t been blessed with much in my life before. I feel beautiful in my white dress that’s a bit shorter than the traditional wedding dress, so I can walk across the forest floor easily.