Chapter 10: Another Date

John's POV

John felt like a schoolgirl. He laid in bed, struggling to fall asleep. The note she had left on his windshield was sitting on the bedside table. That smirk, watching that smirk widen into that dazzling smile when she saw him. He knew she could bring a man to his knees, but that, that fire was something else. She was something to behold, that was for sure. He didn't think he would ever get a hard on from watching another man get hit in the face, but she just did something to him he couldn't explain.

And the taste of her. The feel of her heart pounding against his chest. He'd never forget it. If his memory left him tomorrow, it would be the only thing that remained, he just knew it marked him that thoroughly.

He was possessed, possessed by the want of her. It was the only way his madness could be explained. He was playing with fire by toying with her in that d*mn storage closet, it was foolishness. But he couldn't stop himself.