Chapter 27: Rocks

Rhiannon's POV

Forks scraped against porcelain plates in the quiet dining room.

"A Friday off must be nice. It's been what, a month and a half since that's happened?" David asked.

Rhiannon nodded.

"With it being the beginning of August, things are slow for the first week or two of school starting. Rich wanted to see if Will could handle things by himself," Rhiannon answered.

"Seems like making drinks and opening beers for a few old men shouldn't be that hard to handle, anyway," Martha remarked.

Rhiannon frowned but refused to engage her stepmother. It wasn't productive. The woman couldn't stand her, but she loved Rhiannon's father well in basically every other aspect, so Rhiannon simply ignored her unkind comments.

"Sweetheart, I almost forgot, I need you to take this. I figure John will be by the bar soon, so you'll see him before I will," David told Rhiannon. He grabbed a stack of papers and passed them to Rhiannon.