Chapter 32: Nashville

Rhiannon's POV

"Stomach viruses blow," Lauren said, staring out the window.

"Yeah, blow chunks," Rhiannon joked.

Lauren chuckled a little.

"We needed this, we needed a little retail therapy," Lauren changed the subject.

"Ugh, absolutely we did," Rhiannon agreed. "I know we could have just gone to Bridge Street, but I've been craving a trip to Opry Mills."

The interstate flew past out the windows of Rhiannon's little car. The girls didn't talk much, just blasted the radio and sang and danced to their music.

"Here's one for you," Lauren teased, starting Bruce Springsteen's "I'm on Fire."

"I happen to love this song," Rhiannon laughed back.

The girls belted out the words, off key and poorly timed, but loving it, nonetheless.

Nashville had no shortage of places to eat or shop, but nothing beat going to an actual mall. They ate at Johnny Rocket's in the food court before their pilgrimage through nearly every shop in the mall.