Chapter 36: Artistic Differences

Chapter 36: Artistic Differences

John's POV

John flicked through the channels, pretending to care about what any of them played. He listened to Rhiannon throw clothes against the wall in her bedroom. The door was open just a crack. He prayed she stepped back just a step. He could almost catch a glimpse of her.

"What do people wear to these kinds of events?" Rhiannon called out to him.

"I don't think it matters," he answered.

She stuck her head out the door. She was in an oversized t-shirt she had clearly just pulled on for decency's sake. He would have to find a way to casually 'forget' some of his t-shirts here, he much preferred to see her in his own shirts.

"John, if I show up looking the least bit out of place at this thing, I'll choke you."

The corner of his mouth lifted in a half grin. "Promise?"

Her face darkened as she threw the door open. She padded out on bare feet, almost feline as she approached him. Rhiannon stood over him, head cocked to one side.