Chapter 39: Written

Rhiannon's POV

The sun warmed the gray comforter. John stirred a little, placing his rough hand against the skin of her back. Rhiannon stretched lazily, yawning in the morning sunlight.

"Good morning," she crooned.

John mumbled something unintelligible.

Rhiannon peppered kisses across his face.

"Go back to sleep, it's Sunday morning," John groaned.

"It's barely morning," Rhiannon chided. She rolled over to check her phone and then looked back to him. "It's nearly eleven."

"Ugh," John growled.

Rhiannon climbed out of bed and went searching through the dressers.

It seemed that somehow, lacy bras and underwear in her size had found their way into some of them over the last few weeks. She had done enough "accidentally" leaving clothes here, but lots of these things still had the tags on them, prices mysteriously clipped off.