Chapter 44: Discussions

Rhiannon's POV

"How come it's been nearly three weeks since the work schedule has lined up for us to work together?" Lauren demanded.

"Life is a little...hectic right now." Rhiannon grinned at Lauren. "You've been busy, too, you know."

Lauren rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Listen, you can't keep depriving me of all the hot gossip with John. I used to listen to you rant about how annoying he was, and now it's radio silence. Fill me in, I'm dying for a good story." Lauren handed a glass to Rhiannon.

Rhiannon took the glass and filled it nearly to the brim with beer from the tap.

"I guess things have just been going really well. He took me on a trip to the mountains, we've been kind of taking turns staying at each other's places, I've been learning to make breakfast food because he eats eggs like basically every morning." Rhiannon shrugged.

"Oh yeah? And how do you like your eggs, Ryn? Fertilized?" Lauren taunted, eyebrows waggling.