Chapter 9: The Black Wolf


“Just stay home,” Grandpa had told me. “Don’t go out for the rest of the night. Or for the rest of the week, for that matter. Do you hear me?”

I wasn’t planning to. I didn’t want to go to the park ever again, and I loved going to that park. It was once a sanctuary of mine. But now it was marred by that exchange with that creep, Baltazar Advantes. Ugh! I never want to say that name again or even think about his name. Who the hell was he and how did he know I worked at the coffee shop?

Grandpa said that it wasn’t hard to find out where someone worked or even where they lived nowadays. That’s why he wasn’t so trusting of guys who took an interest in me. And I couldn’t blame him, not after tonight.

This week was turning out to be a sh*tty one, but tomorrow was Wednesday. At least, I was halfway through the week.