Chapter 11: Three's Company


I wanted to kill Caitlyn! I wanted to wring her scrawny little neck until it snapped like a twig. What the hell was she thinking asking Tristan to accompany us to come with us to Giuseppe’s for pizza? Why was she so hellbent on finding me a date?

“I’m going to get you laid,” she said when I talked to her earlier. Of course, I told her that it wasn’t going to happen, not after my little fiasco at the park; running into that creep, Baltazar. I had planned to steer clear of guys and even the thought of dating. At least for a while. But knowing me, she knew that I’d try and stay away from guys for the rest of my miserable life, becoming some old spinster or cat lady.

Caitlyn had always tried to hook me up with guys in high school, but none of them were into nerdy types like me. Not even the nerdy dudes who ogled my breasts most of the time. But I was as hopeless then as I was now.