Chapter 23: Last Will and Testament


I watched as they lowered my grandpa’s coffin into the ground. I felt powerless and wept silently. He was gone. My last living family member. Well, my last true family member. No one else, not even my great aunt, seemed to care that he was gone. They were all too busy to attend his funeral. F*ck them!

Only a few friends of Grandpa’s had attended. Lin, the owner of Wuqao’s Chinese restaurant stood next to me, holding my hand. It was comforting. I had known her ever since I was a little girl helping grandma and grandpa run the coffee shop. One night not too long ago, Grandpa and I had gone to Lin’s house for dinner. We played mahjong and poker. It was a really fun night, one of the last fun nights I ever had with Grandpa.

The priest read the benedictions, but I wasn’t following along. I’d never been religious, and I wasn’t about to start now. How could God take my grandpa away from me when I wasn’t ready to be without him? How?!