Chapter 36: The Laird Alpha


“How long is the flight again?” I asked Tristan as we waited at the terminal. In less than an hour, we’d board the plane that would take us to New York, and then we’d board another plane that would take us straight to Edinburgh and we’d have to drive the rest of the way toward the town of Glenmhor. Tristan said it wasn’t a big town, but it was built between the nook of the giant glen that he said the town was named after. He told me that it was predominantly inhabited by shifters, especially his uncle, the Laird and the main branch of Gray Pack. However, there were humans living among them as well, and they’d apparently co-existed with each other for centuries without the shifter world being exposed.

“Total flight time is about twelve hours,” he said, looking at his phone. I could see what he was doing and thankfully, it wasn’t browsing social media. He said social media is boring and too political.