Chapter 46: The Last Straw


That son of a b*tch Baltazar had done the unthinkable! I knew he was the one who owned the chopper that destroyed my village. I saw his pack’s insignia on the fuselage of the tactical helicopter. And when the damage was done, the chopper fled like the cowards that his pack were.

I rushed outside, having pulled Emily from the rubble. I was truly grateful she wasn’t hurt and glad that her cat, Neeko, wasn’t hurt either. I’d grown attached to that cat and couldn’t bear to think of what it would do to Emily if he had somehow died--she’d already lost enough.

After they were safe, I rushed outside of my destroyed lodge to stare at the damage that had befallen my village. All of the lodges save for two of them had been destroyed or damaged beyond inhabitable.

I looked over to where Feren’s lodge lay, now destroyed, and I let my rage out.

I rushed over and began flinging debris away.

“Feren?!” I said. “Feren, talk to me! Feren, please don’t be dead.”