Chapter 6: Siren Song

“You look beautiful tonight, Sage,” Nikolas told her as she met him at the foot of the spiral staircase.

For the party, she had decided to wear her hair down in its natural curls that fell to her waist. Her dress was a dark purple, the skirt split on the side to reveal glimpses of her leg. She paired her look with maroon paint on her lips and eyelids, and when she looked in the mirror, she had been more than satisfied with the stunning result.

Nikolas was wearing a simple tunic and pants, his cloak a dark black. Tonight, he wore a ruby gem around his neck which he quickly tucked inside his shirt when he saw Sage looking.

Sage raised a brow. Rubies were used to protect a possession. She hoped he wasn’t wearing it for her. If he was, she grew a little irritated thinking that Nikolas considered her a possession. . .

Sage put the thoughts from her head, plastered a smile on her face, and took his arm.

The party was in the Shifter Tower which sat across the school grounds by a forested area. The night was already dark when they started their stroll through the courtyard to the tower. As Sage and Nikolas approached, she noticed the music playing from inside. She could hear singing, the sound so entrancing she wanted to pursue it until she could submerge herself in the sound.

“Sirens,” Nikolas leaned in and said. “They are bold to be singing like that here.”

Sage shook herself from the spell, a little relieved that it wasn’t just a shifter party. She saw a few vampires chatting to themselves and could hear the siren’s song lifting and bowing as she manipulated her voice. When they stepped inside, the music was louder as students talked and laughed. They passed a couple kissing passionately as they maneuvered through the crowd. Nikolas led them to a corner where there was free space to stand.

“Stay here while I get us drinks,” he said. “Don’t talk to anyone,” he added.

“Yes, mom,” she said and he rolled his eyes before disappearing into the crowd toward the drink table.

Sage stood against the wall, scanning the room. She quietly observed the scenes playing around her: a couple kissing, another one arguing, and a third leaning against the wall with his teeth in her neck. There were other groups of friends, drunkenly laughing, and a gang of boys placing bets on an arm wrestle before chugging their drinks. Towards the center of the room, others were dancing, twirling with the voice of the siren like they were possessed.

Sage felt herself leaning into the music, her chest loosening and her muscles relaxing as she felt like she was breathing in the notes themselves. The siren was on the far side of the room. She was standing on a table, dressed in a sheer turquoise cloth that shimmered on her skin. Her voice was supernaturally loud so that it could be heard through the chatter.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

Sage was once again broken from the song’s spell. Her limbs tensed as she looked up at Caspian. He sure had a knack for popping up when she least expected it.

“Is it safe to listen to her?” Sage asked. She knew one note change would have everyone in the room killing each other in order to get to the siren.

“She’s just encouraging dance,” he shrugged.

She relaxed a bit at his nonchalant response.

“I’m glad you decided to come, witch,” he told her.

She didn’t get a response out before Nikolas appeared at her side. He handed her a drink–a thick, silvery liquid–without noticing Caspian. Without saying another word, Caspian shot her a smirk before disappearing into the crowd.

“It’s called Moon Blood,” Nikolas told Sage as she lifted the cup to sniff at the drink.

“Oh, fun,” she responded sarcastically. She took a breath before taking a tentative sip of her drink. It tasted. . .good. It had a spiced mocha hint as it went down her throat smoothly and warmed her instantly. She lifted the cup and took two more gulps.

“Easy,” Nikolas laughed. “Moon Blood is a one-way ticket to being drunk.”

“Isn’t that the goal of a party?” Sage smiled. She wanted to let loose. She wanted to dance and lose herself in the siren’s song until she forgot about Caspian and her inability to breathe when he was near.

“Let’s dance.” Sage downed the rest of her Moon Blood and pulled Nikolas away from their corner.

They moved towards the center of the room where others were dancing and Sage closed her eyes as the full effects of the siren’s song washed over her. She could feel the music in her bones, compelling her to dance like no one was watching. She swayed, her hips and feet taking over. Nikolas moved closer to her, his hands wrapping around her waist as she looked up at him. He closed his eyes and Sage could tell he felt the song, too. Nikolas’s arousal was evident as she leaned into him and felt his body warm and hard against her own.

They danced in a tight embrace, swaying against each other to the rhythm of the music. She didn’t know how much time had passed before Nikolas broke the trance.

“I’m going to get us more drinks,” he said and slipped away.

Sage continued to dance in his absence, closing her eyes. She knew by the smell of sandalwood that the hands on her hips pulling her closer against a hard chest weren’t Nikolas.

She should have stiffened but her body relaxed even more into him. Caspian’s body fit hers perfectly, the music filling them together. Sage felt a heat in her core as she moved with him. Her body filled with sparks as she felt his breath on the back of her neck. Dancing with him felt natural. It felt right.

Why did she feel like she would give anything to stay in that moment, dancing with Caspian, drunk from his touch?

“Sage,” Caspian said, his voice low in her ear. “You are torturing me.”

The siren’s song played in the air like it was meant for them and them alone. Sage closed her eyes as she leaned into him and his arms wrapped around her.

Suddenly, he took a step back and she felt the lack of his warmth like a curse. She spun around, but as she faced him, she found him staring coldly at something over her shoulder.