Chapter 21: Helena's Dream

The next few days moved unbearably slow. Sage wanted nothing more than to stay locked in her room, taking lavender oil baths until she felt better. But she forced herself to get up, get dressed, and continue to go to classes despite barely being able to focus. She found that Caspian wasn’t in history class when she arrived and was ashamed to admit she was a little relieved. The instincts of their matehood made it hard for her to think when he was near her.

Sage couldn’t help but wonder about Katrina and Fabian. Maybe the witches and shifters had been wrong–if there had been no curse or political ploy to begin with. Had Fabian just woken up that morning to realize he had laid eyes on his mate? Had it just been two people that had fallen in love and were determined to be together despite all odds? If they had truly been mates, how did they live with the fact that they started a war between their families?