Chapter 24: Worry

Sage couldn’t help her heart from soaring. Caspian sat beside her in history class, making it his objective to brush against her leg with his under the desk. Every time he touched her, it shot sparks up her body. There was no way he didn’t know what he was doing.

He leaned over to her. “Meet me in the south hall at noon,” he whispered in her ear.

She shot him a smirk. Sage knew they had gotten hot and heavy in a classroom but wasn’t determined to make out in a school hallway and get caught.

The rest of class sped by and Sage quickly made her way to the south hall. The hall was empty. There weren’t usually classes in this wing besides a few vampire courses. Caspian was leaning against a wall, waiting for her.

“I can’t make a habit of sneaking over here,” Sage grinned at him.

He shrugged and moved toward her. “I have something to show you.” He took her hand and pulled her closer.

“Was this what you wanted to show me?” Sage asked quietly as he bent to kiss her.