Chapter 27: Just Me

Caspian released Sage and kissed her on the cheek.

“I’m going to speak with Felix quickly. I need to let him know I’m okay or he’ll keep checking in like a mother hen,” he laughed. “I’ll just be a moment.”

She watched as he slipped out the door leaving her alone in his room.

Sage sighed as she laid back on the couch and tried to relax. She didn’t want to consider the hatred that caused Caspian’s father to leave wounds like that. What chance did they have of convincing him they were meant to be together? Pushing all thoughts from her mind, she closed her eyes.

She didn’t realize she had drifted off until the sound of the door woke her. Sage shot upright, her magic flaring in her panic.

Caspian smiled at her. “Just me.” He closed the door behind him and came to sit beside her. “Your magic has become more powerful.”

It wasn’t a question but an observation. Sage thought it was just that her power was reacting more to her emotions, and those had been strong and erratic lately.