Chapter 37: Another Way

When Sage returned, she braced herself for a fight. Caspian was sitting on the couch in his room, Felix was beside him. She took a breath, maybe he wouldn’t argue with her in front of him.

As she entered the room, they fell silent. Caspian’s face was hard to read as he turned to her, but it was his Beta who was the first to talk.

“Well?” Felix asked her. “Did you find what you were looking for?”

“I think you both know the answer to that,” Sage mumbled angrily. “No need to rub it in.”

Caspian sighed. “What did he say?”

“He wants to kill you to break our bond. He also wants to murder the Elders, take control of our coven, and erase shifters from the world.”

Caspian gazed at her and she knew he was understanding the gravity of the situation. Nikolas was no longer just a threat to him, but to Sage’s family and home, too.

Sage sank onto the bed, her shoulders sagging. There had to be some answer. Some way to save Nikolas.

Caspian came to sit beside her.