Chapter 40: Guilt

Sage followed Caspian and Helena from the hall. When they walked outside, Sage spun on her mate.

“What the f*ck were you thinking revealing us like that?” she screeched.

“Sage, I–” he tried to get out but her mother stopped her short.

“It was incredibly clever,” Helena was smiling.

Sage frowned at them both, not understanding.

“Sage, the Elders aren’t just some witches or warlocks on the street, raised with prejudice,” Caspian explained. “Their goal is to ensure the safety of the coven, not only now, but for future generations to come. Integration of our kinds with you as my Luna would not only start this but ensure it for the future. I had to reveal us in order to offer them something they can’t possibly refuse.”

It made perfect sense. And he had been clever, tempting them with a peace that was more than some signed treaty. He was offering them a chance to rewrite their history. One where shifters and witches didn’t grow up with hate for the other.