Chapter 45: Save Him

Sage struggled to stay conscious as the pain in her side became blinding. Nikolas recoiled from her in shock.

“Sage,” he said, his normal voice slipping through.

Before she could react, he was thrown away from her. Sage looked over and saw the Elders, marching through the smoke, their robes billowing with emerald rage. Their hands raised as they directed a blaze of fire at him, their spell slamming into Nikolas who slid back, fighting to stay upright. His own deflection spell wavered as he struggled to compete with the Elders’ power.

Sage pushed herself up, the blood from her side surging. She turned toward Caspian, placing her fingers at his throat. His pulse throbbed weakly. She laid her head on his chest. Sage could hear his bones cracking, fusing back together. His chest rose slowly, but he was alive.

She breathed a sigh of relief. Her mate would be okay.