Chapter 7: Possibilities

Tavin’s limbs felt heavy, covered in cold sweat. Chalea’s offer was serious. Should he leave? It would mean abandoning his home, even if there was no one close to him still there. He didn’t want to, but if he didn’t, it would mean putting himself in certain danger. He was barely able to do anything with his gift, and he wasn’t looking into being thrown into the thick of a fight between experienced Bloodsold.

He took a deep breath, feeling the cool mountain air fill his lungs. He looked up. The two mages were watching him. Valina in particular had a worried look on her face. He met her eyes again. If it was anyone else, he would have resented the pity, but from her it felt... different. He shut his eyes and closed the world out while he processed the question before him.

He knew what he had to do; there really wasn’t any other choice. If he wanted respect, he had to go through his challenges, not run from them.