Chapter 16: The Ruin

Baelon slipped his fingers beneath the splintered wood of a fallen bookshelf. He hoisted it up, righted it; it rocked a bit as it settled. Baelon wasted no time in digging through the dust and half-decayed pages of what was undoubtedly once a fantastic selection of books.

“What will we do once we find it?” Godrid asked as he placed his torch into a wall sconce and leaned against the doorframe.

“We use it.” Baelon didn’t stop searching. “We find a target that will make the Empire take us seriously. Something small but well-fortified that would normally take a platoon of well-trained Bloodsold to take. If there’s Empire Bloodsold stationed there, that’s all the better.” He listed a promising-looking book by the spine; half its pages fell out, destroying some of them as they fell. He sighed. “Archalin Post, maybe.”

“So we get their attention,” Godrid said. “Then what?”