"I think that's enough for today, kid," Chalea said,
Tavin, panting, looked up at her. A bead of sweat dripped from his nose. He was certainly tired and more than ready to be done, but in a strange way he was getting used to being exhausted. Chalea had a slight smile on her face. Tavin pushed himself to his feet and wiped the mud from his hands.
"Good job today," she said. It sounded like actually she meant it. "You're jumping into this head-first, and I know it's rough, but it's commendable. Believe it or not, I can actually see real potential in you."
Somehow, earning her praise made him feel proud.
"Thanks," he managed.
"Don't let it get to your head, though." She slapped a hand heavily on his shoulder. "You've still a long way to go."
They gathered up their things and headed back; it was mid-afternoon, with sunset still a few hours away. It was another clear day, and Tavin thanked the Ten for that. Or... maybe he should have been thanking Hanari, like Aleanna did.