Chapter 23: The Strength of Fire

Tavin watched as Valina disappeared up the stairs of The Scattered Flower to her room. She gave him a friendly wave and a smile as she ascended the steps. Tavin felt himself blush as he returned the gesture.

Tavin stepped out into the night, looking up at the sky. He took in the fresh air, and made his way back home. It was another quiet night, and though his body was tired from the day’s training, his time with Valina left his mind racing. He went inside, took off his boots, and laid in bed. He wasn’t sure how long he lay there, staring at the ceiling.

Tavin felt like he had just fallen asleep when there was a knock at the door. He groggily lifted his head and stared into the darkness of his room. The knock came again. He hoisted himself up, and shuffled his way to the window; it was Aleanna. He opened the door and was met with her smiling face in the dim starlight.