Chapter 36: The Force of a Giant

"Well now," the big man said. "If it isn't the little mageling."

Valina froze in a brief wave of panic before she banished it. That moment may have been to her benefit, because the man didn't move toward her, instead taking the time to do up his trousers and turn in her direction; perhaps he thought she wasn't a threat. His long black hair hung all the way down to his stomach, loose and unbound. Several thick, separate strands of it partially obscured his face. She calmly raised herself from her crouch, and turned toward him in kind.

"My name is Valina," she said. "I am apprentice Bloodsold to Chalea, an official Mage of the Empire."

The man didn't move, but his eyes were studying her intently, and his lips were curling into a smile. Valina's every instinct screamed that this man was dangerous.

"So," she continued. "You know who I am. Who are you?"