Chapter 43: Unease

Tavin opened the door to his old family home, well into the night. He was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. The last several hours had been spent first going from house to house, pleading with anyone who would listen, then helping those who started to move the quickest. Tomorrow would be a long day doing more of the same, as well as trying to prepare the town to minimize whatever damage the upcoming battle, or battles, might bring.

Thankfully, there were others who had been working to help him, Bennett and the mayor prominently among them. For the most part, however, he received little kindness. It seemed that even those who volunteered to help with the evacuation held some resentment for him, as he had endured sour glares and harsh words from many more than he expected. He couldn’t blame them, though; they were scared. He would probably have felt the same way in their shoes.