
Under Wan Shi's persuasion, Yi Ke barely managed to stay the night. She lit a scented candle and put on earplugs before she finally fell asleep. However, she was woken up at five the next morning by the village chief's rooster. She had never thought that the rooster's cry would be so loud and penetrating, disregarding the lives of others.

Yu Heng also woke up, but he usually woke up earlier than the rooster. After cooking a pot of porridge, he took the sickle and hoe and walked into the field. The family of five relied on him to support them, so the crops could not be delayed.

Not long after he left, Yu Xiang and Yu Yu woke up. The siblings first fed the chickens and took care of their parents. Neither of them had time to eat. Mrs. Yu had been coughing last night. When she woke up in the morning, she was so sick that she could not move. She could only wait for the child to feed her.

After everyone was done, the two children scooped their own rice. After Yu Yu finished eating, he put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and walked out. "Xiangxiang, stay and take care of the house. I'll go see if that Eldest Miss needs any help."

"But Big Brother didn't allow us to go over," Yu Xiang said hesitantly. Big Brother was now the head of the family. Last night, he had just said that he wouldn't let the two of them join in the fun. If they were caught, they would probably be beaten up.

"It's not easy for Big Brother to support the family alone. Look at the wounds on Big Brother's hands and legs that were bitten by leeches. It hurts so much. Think about it, isn't it difficult for Big Brother to take care of us alone? I'll go take a look. I won't carry heavy things. I'll reach home before Big Brother comes back." Yu Yu saw that his sister was a little shaken. He coaxed and promised at the same time. In the end, he finally convinced his sister.

Yu Xiang nodded in agreement and promised that she wouldn't say a word to Yu Heng. Yu Yu left the house at ease. He was full of confidence and felt that he was already an adult and could share the responsibility of raising the family.

Everyone in the village had heard that Eldest Miss was generous. When they found out that she still had a portion of her luggage that had not been moved over, they were all fighting to do it. Wan Shi felt a headache coming on because of their argument. In the end, the village chief came forward to reorganize the discipline and asked the people who had moved yesterday not to come again and give others a chance to earn money.

Yu Yu was like a fish. In a few moves, he rushed to the front of the group and raised his hand high for the village chief to choose him. The village chief also knew his family's financial situation. Seeing the expectant child, he let him pass. He even instructed him to take the light luggages. It was a small matter if he could not carry it, but he did not want it to be broken.

Yu Yu didn't take the village chief's instructions to heart at all. He knew that the heavier the things he moved, the more money he would get. He rushed to the pile of boxes and chose a box. It didn't look big, but it was very heavy.

The other villagers also carried the goods and began to walk towards the village.

Yu Yu thought that his stamina was not bad, but the mountain path was difficult. He was already panting halfway. When he entered the village, his legs felt like they were filled with lead. Every step he took made him tremble uncontrollably.

Yi Ke stood in front of the window on the second floor facing the road and ate a snack. As she ate, she looked at the scenery outside. The rice fields were green, and from time to time, a few wild ducks would fly out. No wonder the ancient people liked to live in seclusion in the mountains. It was indeed very suitable for relaxing.

Most of the people who moved the things were young and strong. Their stamina was at its peak. A few kind-hearted uncles saw that Yu Yu was really struggling and wanted to help, but they were all rejected. In the end, everyone moved the things to the village chief's courtyard, leaving Yu Yu alone to walk slowly.

Yi Ke threw the finished potato chip bag into the trash can. She clapped her hands and was about to go downstairs to see what she saw when she saw a familiar figure.

Yu Yu was dark and thin, like a disheveled monkey. He carried two bags and walked on the road with difficulty for half a day. Yi Ke looked at his face and remembered that this was Yu Heng's younger brother. In her previous life, after Yu Heng became rich, he had been by Yu Heng's side. He had vividly displayed the words dog relying on its master's power.

Yi Ke watched as the bright and beautiful person in her memory gradually overlapped with this dark and thin boy's figure. She leaned against the window with interest, planning to 'admire' his down-and-out appearance.

Yu Yu became more and more tired as he walked. If it wasn't for the thing in his hand that he had turned into money, he wouldn't have been able to last until here.

After walking back and forth for three and a half hours, from the rising sun to the sun, Yu Yu did not even drink a sip of water. Now, he felt dizzy. In the next second, he tripped over a stone on the road and fell heavily to the ground.