
Yi Ke looked around and realized that just as Yu Heng had said, it was the best condition he could give.

The house was small and dilapidated. Although the small garden was clean, she could tell from the broken red bricks and rusty water ladle that it had been in disrepair for a long time. Yi Ke was full of grievances. She really didn't want to live in such a place.

Yu Heng watched as the young girl turned around to look at his home. Then, she tiptoed and looked at the village chief's house in the distance. She revealed a difficult expression.

He thought that Yi Ke would choose to go back without hesitation after seeing his family's conditions. Unexpectedly, after a few comparisons, Yi Ke sighed in resignation and asked the bodyguards to move the bed in.

Yu Heng finally couldn't maintain his good expression anymore. He really couldn't figure out what kind of ferocious beast the village chief's house had that could make this pampered Missy rather sleep in the 'old and poor' than go back. However, he didn't ask further and turned around to feed his parents.

When Yu Heng came out again, the bodyguards had already tidied up and were chased back by Yi Ke. He glanced at the room prepared for Yi Ke and saw that it had changed drastically.

The floor was covered with a waterproof cloth, and the curtains had been changed. His camp bed, which squeaked when he turned over, had become a bed that Yi Ke had brought herself. There was also a thick mattress and a small blanket.

There was a hanging cloth on the wall to cover the mottled wallpaper. Even the windows had been wiped clean, leaving no dust behind.

His camp bed had been moved to a corner of the living room, and there was bedding and pillows on it. Yu Heng could sense a hint of 'disgust' from it.

"Do you have food? I'm hungry." Seeing him come out, Yi Ke asked for food without hesitation. Yu Heng washed his hands and gestured for her to go to the living room.

After Yu Heng washed his hands, he sat down on the stool and picked up his bowl to eat. Yu Xiang and Yu Yu followed suit, but they were more reserved. Yi Ke stood at the door, not knowing whether to go forward or retreat.

Under the dim yellow light, she saw the greasy dining table and floor, and the blackened stool. Yi Ke's mysophobia reached its peak in an instant. She looked at her white dress and really had no intention of going in and sitting at the table.

Yu Xiang looked at Yi Ke who was standing at the door awkwardly. She thought that this young lady needed someone to treat her just like how she acted on television. She stood up and gave an unstandard invitation. "Miss Yi, please come in for dinner."

Yi Ke couldn't help but laugh. She looked at the dishes on the table and really didn't have the desire to eat, so she waved her hand. "No, you eat well and grow up quickly. I won't snatch food from children. Later, I'll get Yu Yu to run an errand and call Wan Shi to bring me food."

When Yu Xiang heard her say this, she nodded and obediently sat in her seat to eat. She felt that this Missy was really good. She gave her food to them and even took care of the children.

When Yu Yu heard that Yi Ke wanted him to run errands, he nervously placed the bowl on the table. He stood up and walked out, but Yu Heng stopped him.

"Eat your food. I'll go." Yu Heng didn't even chew on his food. He finished his meal in a few bites and walked out. He couldn't stand Yi Ke's attitude of letting people come and go as they pleased. He even glanced at her when he went out.

Yi Ke seemed to be completely unaware. She smiled and waved at him. "Bye-bye. Come back early."

She didn't care who ran errands. In any case, she had to eat. It was best if Yu Heng went. His hands were steady and he ran fast. She didn't want Yu Yu, this unlucky child, to fall again and spill her food.

When Yu Heng found Wan Shi, he was also preparing to deliver food to Yi Ke. His Missy's taste was picky. Otherwise, she wouldn't have brought two chefs here to cook for her. Wan Shi had also guessed that Yi Ke wouldn't stay still when she went over, so he had long prepared a thermal lunch box.

Wan Shi handed the things in his hand to Yu Heng, along with a few bills.

Yu Heng touched the thing in his hand and looked at Wan Shi in confusion.

"My Miss has a bad temper, but she's actually very kind. I'll have to trouble Little Brother to take care of her." Wan Shi smiled and patted Yu Heng's shoulder.

The next second, Yu Heng stuffed the money back.

"It's my brother who got into trouble. It's not Miss Yi's fault." Yu Heng's eyes were frighteningly bright. He shook his head. "I don't deserve a reward for nothing. I can't accept this money, but I promise to take good care of Miss Yi."