
When Yu Heng heard her say this, he couldn't help but laugh. "Then why are you ruining things for no reason? How about this? Let's make an agreement. In the future, I'll minimize my contact with Yi Shi. You shouldn't joke around in front of Yu Xiang."


After the two of them reached an agreement, Yu Heng brought Yi Ke home. There were many mosquitoes in the mountains, and in just a short while, Yi Ke was bitten twice.

"Let's go back." Yu Heng didn't carry Yi Ke on his shoulder anymore. He patted his pants and walked forward. After two steps, he realized that Yi Ke wasn't following him. "Why aren't you walking?" Yu Heng was a little surprised. She was the one who wanted to leave the most. She was also the one who hadn't moved for a long time.

"You made my stomach hurt when you carried me here. I don't feel well. I don't want to leave." Yi Ke looked unhappy and rubbed her stomach with her hand. She didn't know what Yu Heng had eaten to grow up. He was simply like steel. Along the way, the muscles on his shoulders were stuck in her stomach, and the bile was about to come out.

Yu Heng approached Yi Ke and sized her up. Her face was indeed not as good as before. It was a little pale and she looked pitiful. "Why are you so fragile? I didn't torture you along the way, right?"

Yu Heng felt extremely wronged. He clearly wanted to teach Yi Ke a lesson in his anger at that time. When he saw Yu Xiang and Yu Yu wailing because of Yi Ke's joke, he almost wanted to tear Yi Ke's butt apart and throw her into the forest to let her experience fear and helplessness.

In the end, before he could do anything, this young lady said that her stomach hurt and blamed him.

Yu Heng even looked at the sky, wondering why it wasn't snowing yet.

"Why are you looking at the sky? Do you want to avoid responsibility? Yu Heng, there won't be a next time! If you dare to treat me like this again, I'll find someone to tear down your house and uproot all the crops!" Yi Ke recovered a little. The guilt she felt when she heard Yu Heng talk about his family had disappeared.

Yu Heng was angry and wanted to laugh when he saw her clamoring. She was clearly covering her stomach and saying that she wasn't feeling well a second ago, but the next second, she was pointing at his nose and scolding him. How could someone change their attitude so quickly?

"I'm sorry, there won't be a next time. Miss Yi, are you satisfied? Can you walk now?" Yu Heng apologized in a flat tone. He was tired and only wanted to go home and take a good afternoon nap.

"I don't feel good. I can't walk. Carry me." The short words showed Yi Ke's attitude.

Yu Heng resigned himself to his fate and squatted down in front of her. He had already figured out Yi Ke's temper. She was like a donkey that had to be pacified to be happy. If he wanted to go home as soon as possible, he had to follow her wishes.

Yi Ke also unceremoniously lay on Yu Heng's back, waiting for him to carry her home. On the way, she would pinch Yu Heng's face or ears from time to time.

"Yu Heng, you're lying. You said you don't like Yi Shi, but you still want to teach her math. You don't even let me bully her."

Yu Heng really didn't know what to say. He couldn't figure out why Yi Ke would mention something that the two of them had already turned over.

"Why aren't you saying anything, Yu Heng? You actually like Yi Shi, right?" Seeing that he was silent, Yi Ke asked again, "Tell me quickly when you fell in love with her."

"I don't like her!" Yu Heng couldn't take it anymore and shook his head. He ignored Yi Ke because he hoped that she would shut up. However, Yi Ke became even worse. Not only did she pinch his face, but she also began to pull his hair for fun.

"Then why did you teach her math? I'm talking to you, but you're ignoring me!" Yi Ke became more and more enthusiastic as she spoke. She pinched Yu Heng's face again. "Big liar!"

"It's different, my dear lady." Yu Heng helplessly lifted her up. Yi Ke had been making a fuss along the way. If he didn't carry her up, she would slide to the ground.

"I taught her mathematics because I think that only by mastering more knowledge can there be a way out in the future. It's not just her. I'll teach anyone in the village who comes to me if they have any problems. I ignored you because you kept talking nonsense."

"You're the one who's spouting nonsense." Yi Ke punched Yu Heng unhappily. It was soft and didn't have much strength.

Yu Heng felt that Yi Ke was really like a kitten that had yet to grow up. Her claws and fangs had yet to grow, but the soft little animal insisted on putting on a false front. He couldn't help but laugh. "Yi Ke."

"Why are you calling me, your grandpa?" Yi Ke said fiercely.